View Full Version : Cabbage Soup Diet!

16-05-05, 19:55
This is something i am trying and its really good, you have 1-4 bowls of cabbage soup aday and it is mixed with loads of vegetables and also you eat 5 portions of fruit each day, also lots of water, its only for one week and makes you lose around 1 stone plus is very healthy and may relieve anxiety and make you feel better and more energy if anyone is interested i will post what you have to eat over 7 days!

16-05-05, 20:00
where's the protein and essential fats in it ?

16-05-05, 20:23
Well i take omega 3 everyday so that provides my essential fatty acids and im sure this diet has protein in it as well, definately worth trying i know someone who is a close friend of mine who said its excellent!

16-05-05, 20:25
This is what you have to eat:-

Day 1 - Cabbage soup plus as much fruit as you like, excluding bananas
Day 2 - Cabbage soup plus vegetables including 1 jacket potato with a little butter
Day 3 - Cabbage soup plus fruit and vegetables excluding potatoes and bananas
Day 4 - Cabbage soup plus up to eight bananas and as much skimmed milk as you like
Day 5 - Cabbage soup plus up to 20 ounces of beef and up to six tomatoes
Day 6 - Cabbage soup plus as much beef and vegetables (excluding potatoes) as you like
Day 7 - Cabbage soup plus brown rice, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and unsweetened fruit juice

Recipes for the cabbage soup vary, but all are based on cabbage, onions, tinned tomatoes, green peppers, celery, carrots, mushrooms and onion soup mix.

16-05-05, 20:31
I'd be permanently stuck in the loo if I followed this diet!![:I][:I]

Kate x

16-05-05, 20:36
Also has anyone tried detoxing their bodies? i am considering doing this too as it can only be a good thing but not sure if it would help anxiety but im going to give it a try anything is worth trying!

16-05-05, 20:44
This diet does not make you goto the loo often i too thought this but it is not tue at all!

16-05-05, 20:59
I don't think I could do it - but thanks for the info.


16-05-05, 21:41
Hi Andrew
I tried this diet and it did help me but you have to keep up with it or else all the weight you loose will all come back. That is what happened to me. Problem with me is that I start off very excited about a new diet or exercise and then after 3 or 4 days that's it, I am bored and stop. I am sure it will help you but like I said, you have to keep it up and watch what you eat after you are off of the diet. But it is said that diet and exercise are the best remedy for depression/anxiety/panic. My problem is also that I hate to exercise with a passion. Let me know how you do.


16-05-05, 22:21
Hi Andrew

I tried this diet a few years ago before suffering from anxiety and i was totally focussed on it and it did work really well. Might give it another go as it seemed to suit me and i need to lose some weight.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-05-05, 22:50
My mum does it every time she feels fat and it really works!! :D

17-05-05, 12:28
hello there, ive tried lots of diets but am too adicted to chocolate to follow them withoput slipping up and am extremely lazy at eating healthily, ive found though in the last two weeks that by making up a huge bowl of fruit salad every morning and every time im hungry i have a big bowl! i have lost 5 pounds in the last two weeks and havre stopped craving chocolate , prob cos of all the natural sugar in the fruit, ive made myself go to the gym 3 times a week and drink lots of water, detoxing definately makes a difference to my mental health as well as my physical, its just the motivation to keep it going lol!

beth xx

17-05-05, 18:00
not for me tks i dont like vegtables i prefer fatty foods and sweets crips and pleanty juice.

17-05-05, 22:33
my friend at work done the cabbage soup diet last week has done really well bless her she said it made her gag but good girl lost 8lbs lol we do a weigh in every monday at work so i know for sure shes done it lol

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx