View Full Version : I have had enough.

30-08-08, 16:39
I have to say that I am fed up with this HA it is ruling my life. I only want to be normal. There must be a cure. So far today I have convinced my self I have breast cancer, Skin Cancer. I really can not cope with this any more is there a cure or is this for the rest of my life? The doctors don't seem to understand! Is there any thing I can do to remove the fog that I seem to live my life in? I keep snapping at every one because I don't want to be like this! I don't feel like I am living I am just existing. I want to run away but i know thats no use as i cant run away from myself can i:weep:

30-08-08, 18:21
hi george
i know how u feel bout worrying bout ur health-keep thinking uv got things wrng im just the same its evil thoughts all the time. what do u have wrong with u? and whats ha? im here to chat if u like msg me.... :hugs: xx

30-08-08, 19:39
hiya health anxiety is awful and i have suffered with it, you need to focus on other things and keep busy, eventually it will go away. i have found that i suffer more from it when i feel low or down, when i am feeling good about myself i feel better. hugs to u xx

30-08-08, 20:07
Hi George,

I have suffered from HA for many years, and I know how debilitating it is.
I expect over time you have had periods when it has been better than others - you must remember those phases and have belief that things can get better. There isn't any easy answer, but from my own experience, I know if I can break the checking cycle the anxiety subsides. Life is too short to be filled with these awful worries - be strong try really hard to block the checking and see if the anxiety subsides - needless to say - the longer you can go without checking the easier it gets. Hope you will be feeling better soon.

30-08-08, 22:03
Hi George,

you have the same fears i have :hugs: You would be bloody unlucky to have both at the same time or either by itself. Please try to stop 'checking', the anxiety will ease. Distract yourself. PM me.
You will get through this,


30-08-08, 23:08
so sorry you feel like this george, you are not the only one to feel this way, its such a horrible thing to suffer with, sorry i cant really advise you cos i havent been able to beat it yet either, but just wanted to you to know you're not alone :hugs:

02-09-08, 23:23
Hi George,can totally understand what you are going through,and asking myself same questions,have you tried asking your doctor to refer you to anxiety management,I am just starting it,so thought i would try and offer a bit of support because all i can offer at present is a big hug,and to let you know you are not alone,and here for you if ever you need a chat,take care