View Full Version : wisdom tooth

30-08-08, 18:49
hi peeps,
has anybody got there wisdom teeth ? or had any probs with them? as ive got one coming through my gum well lol only a tiny lil bit has come through and i seem to be gettin jaw pain and headaches ,and ear ache too i think this is frm my wisdom tooth also were the tooth has come through my gum is a lil swollen .anybody give me advice?! going to dentist on monday hopefully :bighug1:

31-08-08, 16:44
Hiya Hun
defo sounds like wisdom tooth to me,my oh had probs with his and it was horrible for him.
Soz can give you any advice my OH just hd to keep taking pain killers before it was removed .
Good luck for tommoz
xx xx

31-08-08, 17:08
:hugs: oh no he had to have his out did he? omg i dnt really want it taken out but if i have to i have to. i had loads of teeth out as a kid but tis is different u have to go to hospital to have them out dont u? did he have aneastic or injection in gum...? anyway il soon now wot happens if i can get an appoitment thanks for replying

31-08-08, 17:13
Hi Hun,

I have had three wisdom teeth out over the years cos they went bad (cos sometimes they can be hard to reach with a toothbrush). I had mine out at the dentists. They all came out pretty easily with no pain to speak of. I have one left which is OK and has never caused me any bother, so I guess it's staying lol.

I think with wisdom teeth sometimes they can be a bit tricky to deal with, but sometimes, as in my case, they were no real bother, even though I am a bit phobic of dentists.

Good Luck!

Paul (Froggy)