View Full Version : citalopram and alcohol

30-08-08, 19:35
Hi I've been on citalopram for 4 months now and everytime I have a drink nowadays i get very emotional. I never used to when I had had a drink. It's getting very embarrassing cause I just seem to burst out crying anywhere and cant stop.
I know the easiest answer would be to stop drinking but i dont drink very often as it is.
so just wondering really if this has happened to anyone else and if its the drug, because I had a look on the web and it didnt really say if it interacts with alcohol and if it did what the effects would be?
thanks for reading

30-08-08, 19:55
Hiya clare ......can I ask what u on citalopram for ....the reason I ask is ..when you drink alcohol with citalopram or ay anti ds it cancels out the help its giving you so when you drink if u have anxiety or depression your symptoms can come back as the medication has been cancelled out if that makes sense ........
I drink and take citalopram but Im in progress of cutting alcohol out completely as it has caused my symptoms 2 increase .

You can either stop drinking alltogether or just get used 2 the emotional outbursts if u only occasionally drink xx

hope u ok xxxx

30-08-08, 20:35
I am indeed on it for depression so your explanation as to what happens is probably why i get so upset for no reason!
thank you

30-08-08, 20:43
Hi clare .....alcohol is a depressant so even in small amounts it can make u very tearfull.....sometimes Im ok while drinking but then the next day I sob and sob and my anxiety is so much worse.

If you dont drink much then I would def try and stop ......its harder 4 me cus ive drank 4 a while but now realise it doesnt help at all xx

I wish u all the best
Titch xxx

01-09-08, 16:20
Hey titch thanks for your advice, for now I think I am just going to put up with this. I dont drink often at all maybe 4 or 5 times a year