View Full Version : depression and anxiety beacaue of blushing

30-08-08, 22:00
Hi I am new on these forums (35/m), I started fluoxetine last week for the 4th proper time in 9 years, the first time was great and had several years of very happy times. Over the last year I have had a relapse, basically I stopped flu for a couple of months as I felt OK then felt bad and went back on, thought they werent working stopped a couple of months went back on, later switched to citalapram as advised by GP for a few months didnt feel much better so started again last week with fluoxetine. Im now at day 8

To cut a long story short I have depression (http://www.uncommonforum.com/glossary/depression.html) caused by social phobia (http://www.uncommonforum.com/glossary/phobia.html) and blushing. The blushing hasnt been that bad since before flu its just I get depressed (http://www.uncommonforum.com/glossary/depression.html) it will start bad again like it did before if that makes sense. Now I feel it could get bad as I have a problem controlling my anxiety. I know it will affect everything my life job relationship (http://www.uncommonforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=41316#) everything I have built up and I am afraid of losing it all. I juest need to be not depressed and relaxed and not blushing! I have also been prescribed beta blockers for the anxiety which helps but I dont want to be dependant on them also, I feel such a mess right now! I also feel a very low self-esteem (http://www.uncommonforum.com/glossary/self-esteem.html) lack of it affects my job very much as I have a lot of responsibility and feel people are judging me, I think this adds to the pressure and makes me think even more about blushing. I just feel if I had a proper blush attack I would have to walk out of my job through fear of shame and I would lose everything, I know I am screwed up, I will have counselling/CBT etc, this is the first time I have even written down what I am feeling

11-09-08, 22:38
Hello, I am sorry to hear you are suffering right now and it is all because of blushing....

I don't know how much I can really help, as I am also a blusher!!! I don't really know how it started, I never really blushed at all from what I can remember until after I left university and started working. And it has never been as bad as it is now in my current job. Basically in my current job I just go bright red over the smallest thing, it is generally when someone I don't know that well asks me a personal question or makes a personal comment (good, bad or neutral!) I just seem to go absolutely bright red. It is so embarassing because I know people think "Why the f*** is she going red about that? What a wierdo!" and it just makes it worse and me go even more red. The worst thing about it is that my job involves working with clients, and it is even worse when I blush in front of clients.

About a month ago I was at my wit's end with it, people were asking me stupid stuff like "Why do you always go red?" (as if that helps!!) and even worse, saying "awwww bless, she's going red again!!" I really did not know what I was going to do.

I have Google'd this blushing problem and the advice generally seems to be "don't fight it, just accept the blushing, and in time you will fear blushing less, and therefore it will happen less". I've really tried to put this in to practice.....I have to say it has helped somewhat. I still go red A LOT but now I tend to say "f** it, who cares" in my head, and I do go red for a few seconds but then it seems to fade a lot quicker than it would if I got worked up about it...maybe something you could try?!

I am starting a new job soon...so I am worried if I am blushing then, what people with think of me seeing as they don't know me, etc.

Anyway I know your situation is different, just thought it may help to know someone is suffering similarly?!

Let me know how you are getting on.....

28-10-08, 16:55
Hi There,

Yep It feels desperate sometimes, I sometimes suffer from this, usually when my mood is generally low or i'm knackered. I've been on Fluoxetine for 12 years on and off and note really sure if it helps. I actually had a bit of a do today, just wanted to run for the door, but rode it out. I think thats the best way to deal with it, even though you don't think so at the time. It really has this draining feeling and then you feel so empty and worthless, it's so bizzare. Like I said my blushing comes and goes, but the thing to remember is that it's not a crime, and It's not abnormal.

Good luck

29-10-08, 11:03
Hi, i am new to this forum. i am 32 years old, male. since four months, i am suffering from vibrations at the right side of the chest and around the shoulders, followed by palpitations, which making me sleepless and threatening. Could you please help me what will be the problem and remedies if any.

18-01-09, 10:08
re blushing....

ive suffered from this as long as i can remember,(male 40yrs)mines a condition called rosacea,usually affects light skined people more, its were the viens start to show in your cheeks,suppose most people blush,but dont show it...with this condition it realy nocks your confidence,and holds you back,whether its work or socialy.i picked up courage to talk to my doctor about it about 15 yrs ago, .he put me on verious gels,sent me to specialists,ended up taking beta blockers,which have helpd alot.. i believe there is laser treatment to get rid of thread viens....ive been told its the way i am.
i get realy down , and feel different to everyone else,ie not able to go into pubs,busy places...which has a nock on affect not able to meet anyone for relationship, children ect.......
ive just had to accept it.i dont like it.
i cant see my life changing, just waiting ....^

12-11-09, 18:52
Hi Webman

Just seen you post and can totally identify with what you are going through. I have been afraid of blushing since my early teens and struggled with it until my 20's until I had the ETS operation. 7 years on I am still in 2 minds whether the op worked or not, I am not sure whether I talked myself into thinking I couldnt blush and therefore I didnt - if you know what I mean! Anyway about a month ago a friend made a comment about me going red on a fast ride. As daft as it may sound this was enough to trigger the anxiety I have about blushing. Up until a couple of days ago I was a wreck, my thoughts were plagued about blushing etc and I really felt like everything I have worked towards and acheived had been a waste (I know it sounds dramatic!) but I handle anxiety very badly!!

But not all hope is lost. The doc has put me on Prozac and I really hope that this will ease my anxiety. I have also thought about looking into botox as a way of preventing blushing. Has anyone else thought about this?

Anxiety is a crippling thing, but there are always things we can do to ease it and make it better.