View Full Version : Symptoms!

30-08-08, 22:16
I have decided to compile a list of the symptoms that I have personally suffered for the past 40 years in the hope of putting some of our members and guests minds at rest as regards pressing the 'panic' button should they worry.

Needless to say, like most, I have had numerous examinations, tests, almost every orifice explored without any serious or life threatening diagnosis. Although my Anxiety programmed mind forces me to add to the above 'as yet'.

Stomach upsets........as long as I can remember.
(Rumbling, bubbling, discomfort, bloating, pain (upper and lower abdomen).

Nausea......very common.

Itchy skin, dry, flaky scalp, red blotchy face, alopciea.

Watery eyes in winter and runny nose.

Lump in throat, swallowing difficulties, dry throat, tight strangling sensation, feeling as if something stuck in throat.

Dry cough, tickling in throat, need drink to stop it.

Heart palpitations, beating faster than normal.

Back pain and ache, pain in shoulder blades than can radiate to heart area.

Hot or cold sweats when feeling nauseas or panicky.

Feeling faint, light headed, jelly legs, aching legs and joints.

Agorophobia, Hypochondria, Fear of travel, crowded places, lifts (elevators), heights, being alone, being sick, being ill, rejection, what people will think of me, dying, etc etc.

Interesting reading I'm sure you will agree and probably relate to. This list is by no means all of the symptoms but most of the common ones. Personally, I am a strong believer in the past being responsible for the future. And whatever happens above the eyebrows is resposible for whatever happens below the eyebrows.

Take care.


30-08-08, 22:25
hiya kevin not spoken with u in a while and just wanted to send u hugs xxxx

30-08-08, 22:28
Thanks Donna. You too.

30-08-08, 22:32
lol thanku cant be much help with your symptoms although i know wot its like to feel alone even though i got hubby and kids and i always worry wot people think of me and my cbt has helped loads now i just dont giv a monkeys and i have much more confidence. just be yourself hun and if people dont like that then they are not worth knowing. hugs xx

31-08-08, 01:09
That makes a lot of sense Kevin,especially the bit about what happens above and below the eyebrows,I am a firm believer also that our mind is the key to everything ,it has to be.The brain is the most complex computer on earth and like a computer can malfunction and crash taking our sanity and rational thinking with it.I have just got a Dr Claire Weekes bookand she is a firm believer of the power of the mind too,if only we all could remember it when the googlies attack but life isn't that simple is it?. Take care.

31-08-08, 03:37
Hi Kevin,

Yeah, most of that i can relate to, but you pinpointed one thing i would like clarified. The first point you make about stomach upsets and the various parts of that. I have had similar to all that for a long time now and never related it to my anxiety. Don't know if it actually is related, but is it a common thing then? I went to the doctor about my stomach a while ago (useful as she was, she gave me tablets which didnt help anyway!). Could it be that it was just an anxiety thing anyway??



31-08-08, 10:39
Thanks for your replies.

I can only speak from personal experience as regards the stomach upsets. For me, the slightest thing that will upset my nerves such as worry, stress etc., will have an effect on my stomach. For some people it will manifest itself in other ways such as skin complaints or nervous twitching, or stuttering or whatever, the list is endless.

A lot of it is to do with the blood being diverted to the most imortant parts of the body in order to function more effectively such as heart etc. Therefore the digestive system will not shut down but slow down in order to compensate. That's why my appetite is non existant when I'm panicky or worried!

I remember as far back as when I was of school age about 12 to 14, I never wanted to go to school and always got nervous first thing in the morning and would spend most of it on the loo (without any success) my stomach rumbling and bubbling. If I was allowed to stay at home for the day, because I said I didn't feel well, as soon as school starting time had passed (9am) I was fine, the symptom dissapeared.

Let's look at this logically;
We worry or stress out or panic.
The brain sends out the messages (for me, it's to the stomach)
Digestive system is on alert to slow down and/or evacuate contents (so to speak).
Stomach muscles begin to tense or cramp leading to discomfort or pain.
Panic is increased because of discomfort, leading to more panic.
Acid production is increased leading to more symptoms and discomfort.

Hence the circle continues. Another possibility is IBS which can go hand in hand with stress. Obviously diet needs to be looked at as well. But personally, I watch my diet like a hawk. You will find numorous posts on hear relating to stomach symptoms, we are all different and therefore some may suffer more than others.

However, I will stick my neck out here and say that if you are an Anxiety sufferer and you have stomach problems frequently and have continued to suffer for some period of time, providing you have had examinations and/or tests done to rule out anything else more serious, then I would bet money that it is Anxiety related. Even to the point of argueing against a Doctor that it isn't.

After suffering from this for nearly 40 years, I think I probably know more about the condition anyway.

Take care.


31-08-08, 19:18
Thanks for your post, it is very helpful and somewhat reassuring to know that I am not alone. I have had constant nausea for 6 weeks and it is ruining my life. I am an emetephobe, so I find it especially hard. I have always had anxiety and used to only feel sick if I was doing something I was nervous about, not feel it all day every day. I have been to the GP and have stopped taking my pill in a bid to calm it down.

I know it is anxiety because I tend to stop feeling sick when I am relaxed at night or if I am very busy doing something I enjoy. I do find it hard to distract myself and my diet is a nightmare so I am sure that has made it worse. Also get IBS which is totally stress related. Going back to work tomorrow (have post a thread about that) and I am totally terrified and have been panicking for the last 3 days.

29-09-08, 16:29
I too am suffering with constant nausea!! for a week or 2 now, so annoying!!
i eat well...but havent in a couple days....if i do i vommit!! (well i did once last night).....but on saturday at a party i felt fine (guess since i was ditracted) its a hard thing...but i know we will all beat this!! as hard as that seems now!!.....