View Full Version : Introducing Myself

31-08-08, 07:09
Hello everyone. I am glad to have found this. I have been googling heart attack symptoms tonight, and all sorts of other stuff. Not sure what brought me here. I had about a 2 hour attack tonight, that came in waves. I was even sitting in a warm bath trying to read and calm myself down but couldn't relax. Now it's weird, because my body is sleeping but my brain is awake. Hope that makes sense.

I had my first panic attack at 12, but not again until I was 26 or so and this time, unfortunately they stayed. I will be 35 soon, so about 9 years. With me originally at 26-27 it was ALWAYS the nocturnal panic attacks. I would just start to sleep and wake up with the heart pounding, sweaty, can't breathe...even swear that I stopped breathing. Sometimes it would take me an hour to get back to sleep. I was afraid when I went to bed. I was also a smoker and in a bad marriage. I quit both.

It was gone for about 1 1/2 years...

Then it made up for lost time with a vengeance. I think I was 30 then. I don't know when it started exactly, but the spontaneous ones came in. I would have urges to jump out of moving vehicles, and heart attack symptoms always like I couldn't breathe, palpatations, sweaty, dizzy... I would be completely insane if I explained this to people, so I tried to deal with it and got depressed. My boyfriend at the time (now my husband) was supportive of me and I went on Paxil CR. I hated that drug! It made me have suicidal impulses, and I wasn't even suicidal! Thoughts would flash in my head of stabbing myself in the heart, when I passed my knives in the kitchen...for example. And I gained a lot of weight, had zero energy. I also couldn't drink alcohol at all because the next day my panic/suicidal impulses were horrible.

I stopped taking it in 2004. I learned to "control" the attacks and they stayed away again for a few years. 2006 was the most stressful year of my life, and nothing...Then in 2007 they came back, so here I am again...yay.:mad:

Now what is missing is the palpatations. I get chest pain, dizziness, fear that I'm dying, headaches, smothering, and just kind of a resignation that I am dying and that's it. I also have pain in my arm, neck, and what seems like burping spells...is this weird? Just freaking out, can't stay still, and afraid to sleep because the nocturnal crap is back again. Seems like every time it comes back it's with different symptoms.

Looking forward to meeting everyone, and am so glad to find people I can talk to that understand.

31-08-08, 09:46
Hiya, :welcome: to NMp its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
None of the symptoms you have discribed are weird, they are all very commen with anx/panic, if you look at the list on the left and click on symptoms you will find then all there and it will explaine why you are getting them.
keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


31-08-08, 17:06
Hi Meinaz

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

01-09-08, 02:49
Hi and welcome along to NMp

Pooh x

01-09-08, 19:22
Hi Meinaz,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you feel and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,


01-09-08, 21:09
Hi and welcome, you will get lots of advice here, and Im sure make lots of new friends, xxxx

milly jones
01-09-08, 21:10
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: