View Full Version : Heart Problems

31-08-08, 09:04
It has been a long while since i have been hear but I need advice or even just a listening ear.

I am 36.My Great Grandmother had heart problems from the time she was 29 until she died because of them at the age of 66. Her daughter (my Grandma) had a heart valve replaced at 65.

Six months ago I was on my morning walk when I became puffed earlier than normal. My GP (at the time I no longer see him as he is hopeless) ignored it even though it was not normal for me and I have a family history of heart problems.

Fast forward to last week, I was lifting 9 kilos at work like I do everyday but it puffed me out. My pulse and blood pressure were also very high.

I saw a different GP who has done a blood test and ECG. I get the results on Tuesday. He said he will also do the halter monitor test and a scan. My pulse was under a hundred yesterday but today after walking up a short, steep hill I was puffed out again.

The new GP did say that "it would be easier to get poo from a rocking horse than to get Pulmonary Hypertension at your age".

I am absolutely petrified that I have the same heart problem as my Great Grandmother. I am so scared that I can't sleep, can't relax and I'm scaring my children.

I don't want to die. But me becoming puffed out is not normal. I'm petrified.:emot-crying: :emot-crying: :emot-crying: :emot-crying:

31-08-08, 10:03
Hiya hun,
I understand how scary this can feel and you have done the right thing to get checked out and have the nessasery tests done if there is a histroy in your family.
These feelings of breathlessness when walking or lifting things can aslo be down to your anx
When we suffer with anx/panic we tend not to breath correct ( but we will think we are) and this can cause you to get breathless
I used to get out of breath and get chest pain from just walking up my stairs or going to the local shop
I went to my doc and explained this, and as i am a smoker he had loads of test done They were Blood/ashma/ ocpd/chest xrays, they all came back clear
I hope your tests come back with good results and you feel better about things
Not being able to sleep or relax will only add to your breathing being short
so try to stay calm and dont jump the gun just yet
Shortness of breath is very commen with anx/panic.

Take care


31-08-08, 20:45
Thank you for replying Kellie.

I am hoping against hope that it is as you say just anxiety. My anxiety symptoms are constantly changing so I never know whether I am physically sick or just extremely anxious.

I sent away for my Great Grandmother's death certificate yesterday so if the GP wants to know the medical term of the ailment that killed her I can tell him.

I am so petrified and feeling so lonely at the moment. I don't have anyone to talk to except this board as DH just doesn't understand.

I forgot to add that I seem to be breathing almost constantly through my nose instead of from the diahragm (spelling ?)
