View Full Version : Scared of being dizzy

31-08-08, 10:40
One of the worst symptoms for me is dizziness and I now think it is developed into a full blown phobia. I sometimes wake up feeling dizzy, anyone know why? When I do though, that's it for the rest of the day, I'm scared and I constantly think about it, even if it goes away. I have had some tests done in case there was something wrong but they cannot find anything, which is good, but also leads me to believe that its all in my head but I'm sure its not. I can't possibly wake up feeling anxious after a good nights sleep can I, hense the dizziness? The dizziness always seems to be the trigger for my anxiety, not the other way around. Its taking over my life, its all I think about and I have done everything I can to try and stop being scared of it but nothing works. I have had 3 blocks of counselling and been on tablets on a number of occassions. The anxiety does go away for a while but then all of a sudden, it can be back within seconds, usually because I have had a dizzy spell then its back with me for months. Sorry to go on but I am at a complete loss as to what to do. If I wasn't scared of being dizzy, all my problems would be solved!!!

31-08-08, 11:00

I can understand this.

I wake up like this sometimes and then it carrys on throughout the day. I think by thinking bout it, makes it worse, well it does for me.

Iv been told to try and ignore it and then it will leave you alone.

If i wake up and im not feeling dizzy then i seem to be ok for most of the day.

Today i have woken up feeling liteheaded and not with it like everything is unreal.

I no for he rest of the day im gonna feel like this.

Feeling like this makes me panic, its a vicious circle.

Hope someone has some advice on how to get rid of it.

love mandie x

31-08-08, 12:22

I'm constanty dizzy too
Its horrible , I agree!

What tests have you had done?

You are not alone I promise!

H x

31-08-08, 12:35
Hiya my main symptom has always been the giddiness and feeling faint ..I have had so many tests ..blood sugars ,eye tests ,ears examined etc..and still feel dizzy .....I now understand that it is purely down 2 my anxiety .......
I do wake up dizzy sometimes and used 2 panic and think oh no im going 2 feel like this allday ..so of course I did ...if I get up dizzy now I just think oh well it will pass...or every1 feels dizzy sometimes in a morning ..dont get me wrong I do still have it throughout the day but I think different things when it happens .......because the more you focus on the dizzy feelings the more you will get them x...remember feeling dizzy or aint is different 2 actually fainting they are just feelings xxxxxxxx

Take deep breaths when dizzy as u maybe hyperventilating xxx

Take care x