View Full Version : Is this HA damaging my body!!

31-08-08, 12:17
I'm really worried that this HA is going to cause me real health problems!!!!

All this stress in my body every day - what's its doing to my heart?
They say that stress can lead to a heart attack - don't they?

Please help


31-08-08, 12:48
karen hun dont worry i knw wot ur going through HA is a pain,everyday i get an ache ,flutter or a pain in my body and i start panicing thinking somethink serious is going on .anxiety is awful it affects ur body and mind but as long as ur heart is healthy ur fine have u had an ecg on ur heart?? try to think its all down to anxiety, if u need me to chat just msg me

31-08-08, 14:07
This is something I have often worried about (as if we didn't worry emough).
However, there is stress and...........there is stress! I think that Anxiety stress is often different than stress through work pressure or finacial worries that keep us awake at night.

I sometimes wonder how my heart can continue to beat as eratic as it has done so over God knows how many years.

As a matter of interest, my Mother suffered from Anxiety and Panic all her life, she would lie awake at night worrying that her heart would stop. In the end, she lived until 79 and died from something not heart related at all.

Providing we look after ourselves and get excercise and eat sensible, also the odd check up physically as we get older, I don't think we should worry!
Easier said than done though.
