View Full Version : i love this site

31-08-08, 15:28
Hey everybody:noangel:

Just thought id say thanku to u lovely people on here....
this sites wonderful ive never came across such a friendly and peaceful place ive only been coming on here about 4 days and uv all really helped me
what a change it makes for everybody to want to help and love eachother this is the way life shold be bloody lovely. i just cant believe it every msg ive sent ive got a postive reply everytime thanku. i know i might b rambling on im just feeling glad to b part of this site. b4 i found this site i didnt know wot to do but coming o here now i now im not alone were all learning and helping eachother get by in life. i encoured everybody to stick with this site and hopefully we can calm and conquer anxiety together!!!:hugs: :hugs:
my dr gave me a website to try to help me but i was terrible nothing like here i think more advertising should be done for this website because more people who r desperate and anxious need to come on here to change there life.:yahoo: Thanks once again
Care Bear cuggles

31-08-08, 15:48
Thanks for the lovely message and I agree that we have some fantastic members on here that all support each other and give up their time freely to help others.

We try and advertise it as much as possible and if you think you would doctor would be interested then I can send you some flyers and postcards that advertise the site.

Glad it has been of some help to you as well.

31-08-08, 15:53
oh yes lovely i think more people need a site like this u even have games for people t try its ace. when can i enter ur chat rooms? xxx

31-08-08, 16:44
Ask your GP if he would like some leaflets and PM me your address and I will send some.

You can go in chat 5 days after joining.

01-09-08, 02:54
Hi and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

01-09-08, 04:04
Hi chick :welcome:

My cpn gave me a site to look at & in return I gave him this site addy, lol.:yesyes: :yesyes:


01-09-08, 04:52
I too am very happy to have found this site, it has been a comfort since I joined to know I can go somewhere and interact with people who are experiencing some of the same things as I. Thank you all :)

01-09-08, 19:30

Welcome to the site. It is wonderful members like you who make this site so great. Glad you found us.

Take care,


01-09-08, 21:04
Hi and welcome, you will get lots of advice here, and Im sure make lots of new friends, xxxx

milly jones
01-09-08, 21:06
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: