View Full Version : Please help

31-08-08, 15:47
As the years have gone by and the problems,lol,i've been left with HA over my ears,or is it ocd,not sure?
Anyway,i've had Tinnitus for years with hereditry hearing loss and yesterday during the course of the day my right gradually felt fuller and fuller with odd tinnitus and kinda hearing loss,so i panicked and went to the emergency doctor,who couldnt see anything wrong wiv my ears at all,but gave me some drops n said "this might help"
I questioned him as to if he cant see anything why is he giving me these n he just said they might help?Anyway i have a bit of a Fear of Menieres n started getting a bit freaked,so i asked the doc if it could be n he just shrugged his shoulders,Grrrr.
Anyway about 3am the tinnitus got really loud n is still like it now,wth the fullness cotton wool feeling,also that side of my face around the ear feels kinda heavy n i have slight nasal congestion..
Sorry i'm just freaking out here

31-08-08, 15:54
my mum had bad tinnitus,she also has hearing problems, the doctor said it was a sinus infection, also maybe the fullness is due to, too much wax?

31-08-08, 15:56
Thats what i thought but the doctor couldnt see anything whicch really freaked me?

31-08-08, 22:58
Is your jaw joint painful on that side as tmj problems can give you fullness and tinnitus and dizziness etc etc on the affected side???