View Full Version : Natural cure for acid reflux

31-08-08, 16:25
Does anyone know of a natural cure for Acid Reflux... I can't bear to go to the docs yet again. I have tight throat, feels like a bag of marbles. Dry cough, slight burning, burping, gurlgling. Am Convinced I have cancer of the larynx as my glands keep hurting. Have just seen my GP for a mole and insisted I was referred to a dermotologist to have it checked. It fell off today so now I feel more of a fool than ever.

31-08-08, 16:33
i dont know if this will help but it could be worth a try.
I get terrible trapped wind(burping) which can make me feel really awful.
My OH mum wasa nurse n 1 day i spoke to her about it and she suggested peppermint.
What i do is buy peppermint flavouring(34p) and put a couple of drops in a tablepon of water,i repeat this twice and it does lift the gas.
peppermint is a natural gut soother so maybe you could try other peppermint products,i would have thought something a bt creamy with peppermint bflavour(like gaviscon peppermint)soi dunno what about milk with a peppermint flavour which you could make yourself.
i don know if it will work but it could be worth a try.

31-08-08, 16:38
Try Aloe Vera juice - supposed to be very very good for gastric problems.

31-08-08, 16:44
I will buy some tomorrow, thank you.

31-08-08, 22:57
Slippery elm capsules are used for heartburn my herbalists you can buy then at any health food store.

01-09-08, 08:05
I will go get them too. I am so worried its cancer and that I have spent so long worrying about my moles I will have missed something that is actually wrong with me and the docs will treat me like the boy who cried wolf....I am going to try to stay calm about this....woke up every hour last night could feel glands, lymph nodes and sore neck, oh dear.

01-09-08, 11:46
Hi Jannnne

I suffer from Acid Reflux and constantly convince myself I have throat cancer. I have seen a ENT specialist, had camera down my throat 3 times. Everything is fine, just a small place where there's a little bit of acid damage but nothing that concernes the consultant. Just for my peace of mind he's agreed to see me annually (although that is private health care). That worried me slightly cos I thought maybe he was hiding something from me (that's how our minds run away with us). After all this I still worry about throat cancer!!!!!!! So at the moment I just have to accept that nothing will convince me until I start believing what other people tell me!!!
Acid Reflux is very common, I would try not to worry about it (anxiety makes it worse). Are you taking and medication for it?

01-09-08, 14:26
No, no medication at the moment, just some Gaviscon. I will try not too worry and am trying to draw comfort from the fact that it started suddenly on holiday when I was drinking too much and eating really late, and was already very highly strung about stuff. I know what you mean about our minds running away with us, my GP wanted to check a new mole in 3 weeks I couldn't wait and paid to go privately.....the new mole fell off yesterday. Thankfully my husband hasn't noticed yet. What medication do you take for your Acid Reflux? Thank you for the reassurance xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-09-08, 15:23
I can't remember the name of the tablets but I had to take 1 a day for 2 months. I don't have symptoms really, it all started because I got into this silly habit of checking my mouth and spit (gross I know) for any traces of blood!! Sometimes it was a bit pink and although my GP told me I had nothing to worry about it started to play on my mind more and more and the checking got worse (I think I was making my gums or something bleed). He sent me to a ENT just for peace of mind. It's quite understable that you got yours on holiday, that's when I'm more likely to have heartburn (it's eating all that rich food and drinking a lot).
It's very common so please try and forget about it. I'm glad your mole has fallen off, hopefully you can cancel your appointment now.


01-09-08, 16:44
Thank you Vinny, I am feeling betterxxxxxxxxxxxxx

31-07-13, 03:46
Did you ever find anything to help you? I have a lot of gastric problems and found out about a month ago that I have internal bleeding and am anemic. I've had GERD and IBS for years now, and they are both exacerbated (and possibly caused) by stress. But when I get sick I get very anxious as my phobia is of vomiting, and the more anxious I get the sicker I get, in a downward spiral. Right now I'm feeling pretty ill, and I have a kidney infection and UTI so I have to take antibiotics which aren't helping. I've been trying to get the drs to give me IV antibiotics because the oral pills make me incredibly ill, but that hasn't been working very well.

I take a lot of xanax and gravol (dramamine) and am building a tolerance to both, so I just keep having to take more and more...it's bad. I figure the nausea and pain will go down once I'm done with this kidney infection, but it still worries me. I'm upping my pantoprazole 40 mg to 2x a day instead of just one, and taking trazodone 2x a day as well now. It makes me really groggy and tired but that's better than panic!

I tried slippery elm for the first time tonight. I need to check with my dr to make sure I can keep taking it while on the meds I'm on and the antibiotics. I can't tell if it has helped or not yet-I am feeling a bit better now but that might also be the xanax and gravol I took a little while ago.

Did you find anything to help your nausea and GERD? If so, what??

---------- Post added at 20:46 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

Also: I don't know what the cause of the internal bleeding is. I'm on a wait list to see a gastroenterologist, but it's a long wait. I may end up going to the States to get quicker (but much more expensive) treatment. My iron levels are dropping by the day and I am losing a lot of weight. I have hardly been eating the last 2 weeks because of the nausea and anxiety and pain from the kidney infection.

31-07-13, 06:14
Make sure you take probiotics to counter the antibiotics - antibiotics can make you really sick.