View Full Version : Stomach Pain and Insomnia - is it Citalopram?? Help

31-08-08, 17:12
I posted last night as well about my stomach pains but nobody has answered and I am starting to worry now.
I started 20mgs Citalopram on Tuesday so this is day 6. I have had the nausea and headaches but now have stomach pains a bit like IBS, its high up in my stomach and feels tight. I am also having problems sleeping, I go to sleep OK but then wake about 2am on the dot for about 2 hours or more and cannot go back to sleep.
I am worried that these meds are not agreeing with me, and if I should go back to the docs. Or should I give it longer and the sleep will come back and stomach should settle?
I worry about health as it is and hate feeling like this, have felt really low today and have no energy.
Do people take them in the morning or night? My doc said morning but if they still keep me awake at night and all day feel sleepy is it best I take them at bedtime?
Sorry for all the questions but I feel pretty alone in all this as its new to me.
thanks x

31-08-08, 17:41
sorry you are feeling worried. That's all part of the problem of course!! And it IS very early days for you, I know you don't want to hear this but you need to give it a few more weeks.

I take mine in the morning. I did have some stomach upsets at first but I had had a 'nervous tummy' before I was given the meds....

sleeplessness when first starting the Citalporam seems to be very common, I was given Zopiclone for the first few weeks which helped a lot; if you can't sleep you just lie there worrying and feel rotten the next day.

But I am not a doctor so if you are still worried, go and see yours!