View Full Version : medication makes it worse!!!!!

31-08-08, 17:58
i no dr's are sposed to be there for Help!
However i would Just like to fill you in with A bit of My story, and hopefully prove slightly that medication made me worse.
Ok janaury 08 - heart palpitations started, what The f**k are these I thought, i left it almost 4 Months before i got seen, when one Night it got so bad i thought i was dieing, i was rushed to the A&E ( ER - To americans)
they tested my heart, breathng, blood pressure, sugar and tempreture, there answer, Absoloutly nothing wrong, they even saw the eptopic beats on the screen. " aww nothing to worry about" was there answer, the Nurse said sometimes your heart gets into A habit just Like humans do, and it will repeat the structured beats day in day out, it means the hearts beating Normally but is making me feel the Uncomfortable beats. the chances of my heart stopping at the age of twenty is A One chance in 5 Million, Made me feel A little bit better, do you notice your eptopics are round about the same time day in day out, its A habit, Anyways i started feeling depressed and Low and aneixty kicked in i felt s**t and horrible, So off down the dr's, all my troubles were aired, and Dr prescribed me 40mg propanlol and 20 mg citralopram, propanol to be taken when needed and citrolopram one a day, i left happy finally i had medication to make me better ( so i thought) after a about 4 days on citlopram i was a wreck, aneixty was 20 times worse then ever, i wanted to harm myself i was shakking not eating, weirdly enough i never touched the propanolol and whilst i was on citlopram no eptopic heartbeats, but i really wished i jst had the random heartbeats to what i was getting with the citrolopram, Ok so i stopped it, went back to dr's i dont want any anti depressants, he said ok start the propanolol and we'll arrange Talking threapy, I started the propanolol and the heartbeats were gone, but i felt dizzy and achey and Old, on the propanolol i never thought it might the Pills, After A month on propanolol, they wernt as strong as they once was, and the pills didnt slow the heart, the eptopics were back, the dr was sure the pills wasnt making me worse,
i stopped all medication, and the symptoms Went, Most of aniexty is side effects to the medication. you worry about the sidee- ffects, not sayying that u cant have symptoms with anexity cause u can, they really can represent A terminal illness, but really theres nothing,

Also cancer, is the most painfull way to die, and the symptoms to cancer are A lot more severe then the side effects most of you List!

i dont take medication i take 250mg of Fish Oil tablets from holland and barrett, and 70mg of magneisum which is a great help with the eptopics, my advice go herbal, fish oil also thins the blood which helps the blood pump round the body,

i get em every now and then but i ignore em

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