View Full Version : Constipation.

31-08-08, 19:51
After 3 days of suffering from a very uncomfortable stomach, wind and nausea. I decided to go to A and E this morning at 7.00. After a good prodding around (very uncomfortable) I was given blood tests and an X ray.
Blood tests were fine apart from a little low on Potassium (eat more Bananas) but the Xray showed I was suffering constipation, even though my discomfort was around the middle or belt area of my stomach. My question here is even though my visits to the loo are once or twice a day and I eat plenty of veg and fruit, can I still become constipated? I am a little concerned being as the Doc was very young and there is always the old doubt that was it constipation on the Xray or was it something sinister.
Any advice from constipation sufferers would be grateful.


01-09-08, 10:44
Hi There..
I am sure that bananas makes you more constipated ... my mom is a doc and she said that. To get better.. you just have to add more fiber in your diet... Oat meal is good .... papaya fruit and oranges.... There is a lot of yogurts out there like activia and yo plait digestive... they help a lot!
And if you do all of this and doesn't get better you can buy Fiber Sure at the pharmacy and mix with water ! :)

01-09-08, 11:48
grapes are great for getting things moving along with lots of water, also more fibre. some fruits can cause tummy aches etc if we eat to much of them

01-09-08, 18:19
It is possible to be constipated and eat the correct foodstuffs.

Try going to the loo the same time every day.

milly jones
01-09-08, 19:20
i get horrendous constipation each month during my period

i eat well and still have to take extra fibre and fluids to try and go to the loo

milly xx

ps i use manevac if i get really poorly