View Full Version : Please read, i really need to know if anyone felt this way

31-08-08, 21:07
I have been feeling funny lately. Part of the feelings are probably due to pms, and the heightened anxiety might be due to it. But I really need to ask if anyone experienced these particular feelings before, they leave me horrified. I just get suddenly overwhelmed with this feeling of inner unsettledness, inner restlessness,but i also feel it in my muscles. And apprehension, like something is going to happen and i am so frightened, but i have no idea what, and i cannot see any light, i feel hopeless at that moment. And have no idea what to do to make the feeling go away, i would like to escape from my own skin at that moment. It is very difficult to describe these feelings, words are not enough, i know when u're anxious and on edge, this is different, less physical and more spiritual and mental i guess. It is really disturbing, and the whole life can feel unreal at the time. And the overwhelming fear is different from one when i feel a physical symptom and it scares me and makes me think something bad will happen. Cause the fear is bare, there is no symptom that caused it, just anticipation and a sense of foreboding...
Please, help me...has anyone felt this way?

31-08-08, 21:35
Hi Mila

I absolutely feel this, i feel something bad is going to happen but I don't know what and the fear of it makes me not enjoy most things and so like feels like I am not living it.

Feel free to PM me.


31-08-08, 21:45
Hello Mila

Yes, I feel like that quite often. In fact, I was so restless this evening and uneasy I took the car out for a drive. I think the motion of movement soothes me a little (my baby nephew used to get to sleep that way; when my sister-in-law took him out in the car, it soothed his tears and made him fall to sleep!)

I just get overwhelmed by this awful dread sometimes, but if someone asked me why I felt the way I do, I can't give them answer. I just know something's wrong and it feels wrong.

Just try to preoccupy yourself with (healthy) things that you like to do, like watching a favourite TV programme, watching a movie or having a good belly laugh with mates. It takes your mind off things a bit. I've off to watch a funny movie I've got on DVD - it helps sometimes.

Chin up
