View Full Version : A tired mind is an anxious mind. A busy mind is fine.

Malton Seadog
31-08-08, 21:09
Just a little bit of advice from me, rather than seeking advice for once.

If you're alone like I am for a few days, keep busy!

Today and yesterday, I've been out of the house all day and been around friends, watching and playing football.

I realise that the agrophobic amongst you do not have this luxury, but you can keep just as busy inside.

Got a book on your shelf you've not read lately? Read it.

Got a DVD you've not seen or watched lately? Watch it.

Every minute that your mind is focused on something else, it is NOT thinking horrible thoughts.

If you've got a hobby, invest time in it.

If you're lucky enough to have family members around you all day, talk to them.

Whatever you do, do not sit and think. This will only make it worse.

Keep yourself busy, and don't let anxiety have the TIME to work it's magic.

If you're busy all day, you'll be so tired when you go to bed that like me, you'll fall asleep.

I had two awful nights because I thought about things too much. Last night, I was so busy all day that I fell asleep within a few minutes of my head touching the pillow.

I know this might not work for some, but it'll help the vast majority.

Remember - when you're mind is focused on something else, you do not have anxiety.

Only when you ponder about having anxiety do you actually have it.

I felt a million dollars today when I was walking into town, because I was singing to myself and focusing on all the good things in my life. Anxiety didn't even get a look in, because it's not important to me. My life is important to me, and I ain't gonna let anxiety take that away from me.

In bed last night, I actually told it to "**** off, I'm not interested" and it worked to a certain extent!

That's my tuppence worth anyway.

01-09-08, 18:01
This is very good advice. I had depersonalisation for 2 years and it only went when I decided to stop thinking about it and like you say kept busy.


01-09-08, 23:09
Great post! Thanks for sharing. It is so true. When I am focused on a task I feel like I don't have anxiety, but as soon as I think about it, it's back.