View Full Version : panicky, desperate and sad

31-08-08, 22:25
Hi everyone, I'm glad i've found this site, i have been suffering from anxiety and depression my whole life, this year has seen a drastic increase in constant feelings of fear and with more and more physical symptoms, heart racing, can't relax, irritable with my poor family, can't concentrate, can't enjoy life at all. Just about to give up my work for a while to really try to work on this as life is increasingly unbearable. Tired of waking up tired and feeling so afraid, of everything, life, death, people, work, you name it. I have reached the end of the road with it. Feels like an uphill struggle but I have a lovely husband, beautiful daughter, much to be happy about, just wish I could feel it! I have already read much on this site which makes so much sense, thanks for all of you for being here.

31-08-08, 22:41
Hey,it sounds like you have been suffering with this a lot longer than i have and i cant imagine how you are coping, the last few months have been bad enough for me! I know how u feel when you say u think you sound mad, i try to explain to my friends but its so hard to, the constant fear and no sleep makes it even harder. I cant offer advice really im pretty new 2 it all but maybe it would help just to talk to someone who actualy understands!

Best of luck,Em

01-09-08, 02:38
Hi and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

01-09-08, 20:49
Hi Emma

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

milly jones
02-09-08, 18:04
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs:

02-09-08, 20:53
I joined yesterday and I am hoping to speak to people going through the same as me too. I am on citalopram too and suffer from depression and panic attacks.

take care x

02-09-08, 23:42
Hi and welcome, glad you have found us, hope we can help, Im sure you will make lots of new friends on here.