View Full Version : Fluoxetine

31-08-08, 23:47
I started on 20mg of flouxetine nearly 4 weeks ago, for the first week i had the usual side effects felt a bit spacey, sickness etc all that subsided after 8 days and for 2 weeks i was back to my old self no mood swings and my panic attacks completely went! 5 Days ago though i started to feel really agitated and had a horrible tickly feeling in my legs and i had the worst panic attack ive ever had im having them when i go out aswell which has never happened before. Has anyone else had this with fluoxetine its done wonders for my mood but my anxiety has gone through the roof?

02-09-08, 16:28
t take the same medication but i dont have saw the bad effects...for me its lhepl very well....

02-09-08, 21:20
This is the thing with fluoxetine it's actually for treatin depression and OCD's and anxiety can actually be a side effect of this drug. I too have been on it for 4 week after months of anxiety and depression. it's helped subside my depression and has lifted my mood no end but i'm still geting the anxiety. I have decided to carry on takin it for the time being as just gettin rid of the depression is enough. I'm waiting to see a councillor through a local charity and my doc as put me in touch with a CPN (still waiting for an appointment though). I'v bought relaxation cd's and a book on cognitive behaviour therapy and joined NMP. I'v decided that i have to do it myself or i will just get worse and worse. Fluoxetine are a form of prozac and prozac is an anti depressent. Hope this helps. Take careX

02-09-08, 22:01
Thanks for your replies my gp has now told me to come off it as my panic attacks were just getting worse! Im still feeling anxious but im hoping that it will subside in a few days, ive now been referred for CBT so think its back to rescue remedy until then!