View Full Version : Panic Sympton, help keep me sane!

01-09-08, 00:12
Guys I have been suffering panic attacks for a couple of weeks, on and off.

Today i've been experiencing pins and needles in one leg with some numbess..

Is this normal!

Help keep me sane!

01-09-08, 02:25
The feelings of numbness and pins/needles is normal. That is most likely due to irregular breathing. The best way is by using a paper bag or learning how to control your breathing through practice and exercise. I experience the same thing and as soon as I start breathing into the bag, those feelings start to go away. Pretty soon you will be able to prevent it from even happening, you just gotta put your mind to it. Hope you get better soon, you will get through it! :flowers:

01-09-08, 02:34
Apparently it is normal. My chiropractor says (and I tend to agree) that when you are stressed the muscles in your upper back and neck (around your nerves) tighten and cut off circulation, giving you numbness and pin & needles. This is what I am going through now. I have had massages (which are great as long as you can actually relax) and some adjustments that are helping me get little "twinges" of feeling back. I suffered from Bell's Palsey and it seemed to get better then got worse. It has been horrible (thankfully my chiropractor also had Bell's Palsey, he is a SUPER healthy guy and it took him almost 6 months to recover), but relaxing really helps. You are not alone in your symptoms, believe me there. I hope it starts to get better for you. Remember, you don't have to panic (even though it feels like you do).

01-09-08, 09:02
im starting to wonder why these attacks are occuring,I cannot pinpoint the cause at all....

just woke up from a bad dream, and almost suffered another attack, just breathed through it, but still experienced alot of shivering tonight with the tingles.