View Full Version : I can't seem to stay calm

Deepest Blue
01-09-08, 00:45

I hope that someone can give me some advice on how I can help myself.

I feel very anxious every day, I always have that horrible feeling in my stomach where it's like butterflies but only it isn't, I always feel nervous and just cannot relax at all. I do have things going on in my life that are not helping these matters and although those issues are either very difficult or impossible to avoid, they are a part of life and I have to learn to live with them. I need to find a way to accept and live with everything that's going on around me without continually feeling so anxious and worried. I am not sleeping or eating well and this really affects my behaviour. I am normally a bubbly and cheery person but most of the time my mind is just so exhausted that I don't feel like it even though I force myself to try and be normal, I just can't always do it and it shows, people take me the wrong way thinking I am moody in which I am definately not.

I have taken citalopram before but this hasn't helped, infact, it's made me worse. Ideally I wouldn't like to take anything but I may end up having to even though I've left it alone for so long.

Any advice would be really appreciated,
Thank you for listening
Take Care.

01-09-08, 01:12
Can sympathise with you on this one,as I have felt this way too,people think you are just been a pain when really you are screaming inside for help and understanding.Anxiety is an illness I am afraid that gets some pretty bad stick,because it's a mental health condition folk naturally shy away from something they don't understand but this doesn't help the sufferer.I have recently bought a Dr Claire Weekes book which people on here have recommended and it is really good,she states that we shouldn't fight our feelings too much,just let them come and adapt to overcoming them in our own way,I recommend you purchase the book as it is very good and may help you.
Regarding life issues I also have things going on in my life at the moment that I don't feel comfortable with which I think is adding to my anxiety so I know how you feel,I too don't sleep well(it's now 1.00 in the morning and I'm on here)and this heightens my panic.I am not that bad during the day but terrible at night,I have a radio on low beside my bed as the quiet unerves me.
I am sorry I can't give you more advice only that you are not alone in this and anxiety has a way of making you despair,hang on in and we can beat this thing,it's a long road but we will get there.

01-09-08, 01:31
hi this is only a very small thing as im only new to getting treated start councelling wed, doc didnt really know what to say to me but one thing she said i do and i do find it a bit calming (not for long but its nice while it lasts) get comfy and take a long breath in while counting to 7 then breath out counting to ten, you can change the numbers but thats what suits me as long as its a longer breath out it doesnt matter. i also have a relaxing cd i listen too.. sounds of the rain forest.. sorry cant suggest anything more. all the best x debbie

01-09-08, 02:19
I know how you feel - when you have been dealing with a stressful life for a while and now it is catching up to you in unexpected ways.....That is what caught me. I have a stressful life, have gone from stressful job to stressful job (I have scars from some human bites in one of my jobs at a mental health treatment center for youth). When it finally catches up to you, as it always does, it hits hard. I would really suggest trying something natural instead of going on serious drugs (unless you have no other choice). Exercise a little, drink some herbal tea, take a long bath, get a massage, etc. I am finding that, just taking a deep breath is helping alot. It is so hard to try to calm yourself when other stuff comes up to stress you out more (physical problems). Just know that there is a way to sleep, stay calm, be normal again. You just have to find the combination that works for you. I have tried taking some walks (short ones), cleaning my house, and I started taking 5-htp. Apparently you should seek medical advice first but it has really helped me mellow out. I have only taken it for a couple of days and I am already sleeping better. Remember, whatever you do, that it can and will get better - you don't have to suffer, and you aren't suffering alone.....

2 Timothy 1:7

Deepest Blue
03-09-08, 00:46
Hi ya,

Thank you ever so much for your lovely advice and help, it's really helped me to know that people understand how I am feeling.

I went to my GP today and he prescribed me with Sertraline 50mg. Does anybody have any experience of this med?

Thanks once again,
Take Care.

03-09-08, 01:50
I can relate to what your saying. I know the butterflies feeling. Ive had that ever since i started primary school right up to this day. Any normal day to day thing makes me get them. If i travel down the road to shops i get these feelings. It could be anything to do with social anxiety or just being out. I wish i could help. Ive got them now but thats due to other reasons. Anyway i had to reply i know what u mean about feeling that way all time. dont know why certain people are like that.

04-09-08, 10:15
I feel much the same at the moment, as if there's always something to stress about, and have been waking for the last couple of mornings with my stomach in knots. I was diagnosed citalopram two days ago. I was going to start taking them last night, but delayed it as my brother was admitted to hospital with chest pains etc and I needed to get to see him. No wonder I feel anxious!

I have felt like this at various times since a child. It always gets better, so hang on in there. I shall try the deep breathing too.

Best wishes


04-09-08, 17:41

That feeling in your stomach that you say isn't exactly butterflies - well I get like a lump in the stomach and I just put this down to depression.

Life stressors are a part of life - some people can deal with them but when suffering anxiety it's so difficult to cope with life stressors plus the constant stress of this damned illness. We worry so much about ihow we feel and that is a constant stress. When life stressors come along well that's it.

The Sertraline may suit you better than the citalapram and I thinkyou have to try any med which may help.

Don't worry about people thinking you are moody - somehow there are days when we can't hide our feelings and I think you have to just accept that. There are days when we can put on a good act - if you can do that then all well and good. You know y ou are normally a bubbly person so don't go thinking that you are not - the bubbly person is still there. The illness is not who you are the illness is an evil little devil that is outside of us and loves to come and pull us down. Little sod.

You take care and I hope the sertraline helps.
