View Full Version : Pressure of alcohol intollerence

01-09-08, 02:09
Hi all,

I think I have an alcohol intollerence which means I can't drink very much. To put it clearer I turn red/purple after a drop of alcohol and after a few more I get sleepy or throw up before I'm "drunk", is this normal? In todays society people tend to drink socially and I feel the pressure to drink despite knowing that my body doesn't like it.

The pressue I face generally come in the form of male friends suggesting that I'm less of a man because I can't drink. This I know is stupid and bares no logic but still I can't stand that jab. The second is that I find socialising difficult without removing my inhabitions through drink as I'm always concerned of what people think. I feel that this is a double edge sword and wish I could drink.

01-09-08, 04:59
Hi and welcome to NMP

there are many more ways of coping in social situations than drinking. I dont drink and yet go out with friends who do. You just have to try to remember that it is their issue if you dont drink not yours. Its no good for your anxiety anyway.

Pooh xx

01-09-08, 11:41
Hi Pooh,

I went though uni without drink but as the pressure to conform to what others perceive as the norm I gradually started to feel more pressure to drink. You're right, I should think of it as their issue and not mine, strange how no has mentioned that before. Not even the gf.

01-09-08, 11:56
Hi, I have been feeling dizzy for two years so decided not to drink as it also made me feel tired or dizzy. I have loads of pressure from my friends to drink, plus they feel sorry for me that I cant. But I see it as a blessing in disguise I go out and have a great time but dont have to waste my money on alcohol and get to see my friends make complete fools of themselves and I can remember it happening in the morning. It is really your friends problem not yours, if drinking makes you ill then you cant do it (I got round it as an 'issue' with my friends by just simply telling them I couldnt drink with the meds I was on which was true, they soon accepted it.) I hope you can get around this and still go out and have a good time, Im sure the novelty will wear off and your friends will get used to you not drinking. Hope this helps, Di x

01-09-08, 20:46
Hi Rkfli

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

milly jones
01-09-08, 21:12
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: