View Full Version : also new here!

17-05-05, 14:57
Like Sean, I'm so glad I found this forum! what a relief to find others who have the same symptoms, and who understand!

My GP diagnosed me with hyperventilation about 2 months ago. About 3 months ago I started having symptoms - palpitations, headaches, vision disturbances, mysterious pains and so on. This forum really helped me overcome the anxiety about those symptoms and believe my doctor's diagnosis.

About a year ago I contracted a rare viral infection which landed me in hospital, and though I fully recovered I think that is what started me off in hyperventilation mode.

What I'm most curious about is how the symptoms keep changing, and how long before I can expect them to go away completely if I am committed (which I'm not always) to breathing exercises? Is this something I'll live with forever, off and on? I find, like others have said, that when one symptom goes, another pops up to take it's place.

Also, does anyone else have spasms of pain in your head or legs? I get brief bursts of pain all over my head and neck and in my legs periodically.

Thanks for your input.

17-05-05, 15:08
Hi tr

Its so great to see that we help people who haven't even introduced themselves yet..

Thiongs like hyperventilation is anatural reaction to stress so is a long term possibilitygiven the right thoughts and environment , but things like nausea and leg spasms are not so common so go when you ignore them enough times - often not to reappear.

Do remember what the symptoms of stress that affect everyone are- and learn to try to downgrade what feels like anxiety or panic to normal levels of stress.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

17-05-05, 15:42
Hi Tr

Welcome to the forum. Pleased to hear we have helped you so far.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-05-05, 16:37
I suspect there are many others like me, who benefit from this site without ever participating in it - but I just couldn't resist asking my own questions any more!

Meg, what ARE the "normal" signs of stress? I was totally shocked when my GP said I had hyperventilation - I told her I wasn't the kind of person who gets stress and anxiety, and she kindly refrained from laughing at me! This forum has helped me realise it's a lot more common than I thought, to get physical symptoms from stress. I'm learning what anxiety is, or at least how it manifests in my mind and body, but how do you know the difference between regular stress and full blown anxiety alert?

17-05-05, 16:47
Welcome aboard!! :D

17-05-05, 17:41
Hi tr

Welcome to the site, it is reassuring indeed to know you're not alone with this horrible condition, we 're all here to support each others and I hope you'll get loads of benefit from it.
Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**