View Full Version : I'm still panicking, help

01-09-08, 05:37
Hi I'm glad to see there's a site for people like me, I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm crying right now as I'm writing this actually, I feel horrible.

I'm 23. I've been anxious my entire life. I'm very uptight and I really don't know how to relax. I'm sensitive and I worry constantly. I've had minor panics when I was younger but not all out panic attacks until I was in my 20's. It runs in my family as well, so I know where I get it from. You wouldn't know I'm that anxious though though, I try to be very outgoing and funny to counteract my anxiety.

I had my first full blown serious panic attack 3 years ago in college. I was taking a final exam and I started to panic. The test was hard, we weren't allowed to leave the room, it was hot and I felt sick. I panicked and told my professor I had to leave because I was having a panic attack. The horrible feelings I felt went away a bit, but I still felt "off" for a couple days afterwards.

My panic attacks cause me to have sweaty palms, feeling overheated, my heart races, I feel dizzy, I can't breathe, I get thoughts of death and dying, I want to go to the hospital for them to put me in an induced coma so I don't have to be awake and feel so horrible. I've almost called 911 before, it's that intense.

I only get panic attacks three or four times a year, but I got one last night and also one a few weeks earlier so I'm worrying they'll happen more. Even right now, 24 hours later, I feel like I can't breathe good and uptight and nervous. I can't relax, even though I'm sitting and doing nothing.

I understand that I have triggers, a lot of carbs, caffeine, tuna fish (weird, I know) alcohol sometimes, being hot, being crowded, being trapped, being tired or sick. I also get them somtimes when I eat certain foods. I feel like they scratch my throat and I feel like I'm choking, even though I can breathe. Maybe it's an allergic reaction? I don't know. But my throat feels uncomfortable and I panic. My two main triggers are food that feels funny going down my throat and trapped situations. I know that sounds weird. But that's what does it most for me.

But last night I had a slight panic attack, it wasn't full blown, but I was at a concert and it was hot and there was alot of people. I started feeling hot and the bass was pumping and I suddenly needed to get out. I walked aroud and got water but I didn't feel 100% ok again. I recovered okay but ever since then I feel really off. I feel run down and it's hard to breathe well and I feel scared and nervous. I don't know how to get out of it.

If my attacks lasted a half hour and then I was fine I think I could deal with it. But they happen and then I never can completely get back to feeling normal for a few days! I don't know what to do. I feel terrible, I feel so off.

I know I'm not depressed, I've been happy with my life lately! But I just started 2 new jobs and moved, and I just think its hard to deal with so I'm being overly nervous. No more school, so I don't have to worry about tests. I'm just glad that my test anxiety started my junior year of college and not earlier, I don't know how I'd get through it. It's just really hard to learn how to relax. If anyone has ANY advice for me at all I'd really appreicate it. Thank you so much.


01-09-08, 10:30
I hope you are feeling better now? it sometimes helps when you see your problems written down.
Best wishes

01-09-08, 15:17
Hi Bindy!

You're not alone in those symptoms - I often find myself wishing that I would faint or get sedated because it'd be better than being concious during panic attacks!

If you could cut out caffeine and anything else that you find makes things worse, then you should do that. I stopped drinking coffee in the morning before school and that really helped me. I also found that listening to my mp3 helped me to stay happy, and I always feel really calm during and after exercise. There's a load of suggestions on the site about lessening panic attacks, so if you read them and find out what works for you, perhaps that'll help?

Good luck!
- Anya

01-09-08, 17:51
Hi Bindy

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


01-09-08, 18:07
Welcome!! I am 23 too and feel as if i could've written your story!! You are not alone and you'll recieve loadsa help, guidence and friendship here!! Good luck and hopefully i'll talk to you at some point in the near future :)

01-09-08, 19:47
Hi Bindy,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you feel and you will get support. You could have some food allergies. If I were you I would get tested. I found out I was allergic to soy which believe it or not is in canned tuna fish among a ton of other things. Glad you found us.

Take care,


01-09-08, 20:44
Hi and welcome, you will get lots of advice here, and Im sure make lots of new friends, xxxx

01-09-08, 20:44
Hi Bindy

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

milly jones
01-09-08, 20:46
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: