View Full Version : Advice???

01-09-08, 09:08
Hi, i have been alot better recently with my anxiety up until last week now i can feel it coming back!! I put it down to stress that i lost some money and also that i found out that my girlfriend is pregnant!! I know this should be a happy time but i feel myself sinking into this anxiety and dpression again i think its because im overwelmed.

Does any body have any advice for me? do you think its cause of the stress of the last week? I came off citalopram 4 weeks ago and i was ok up until last week!!


02-09-08, 00:07
I would say it was related to the changes in your life. The prospect of becoming a father is a major thing which brings all sort of thoughts about the future. Such a big change would very possibly give you some anxiety.

As for any advice I'm afraid I can't think of any. Obviously the two situations you mentioned are irreverible so its about how you cope with them. Hopefully becoming a father will bring some good positive aspects but I know from experience they can also bring fears too.

All the best


02-09-08, 01:00
This may sound like a lame cliche, but all I can really suggest is to look on the bright side. Not much you can do about the money you've lost, but having a baby is a joyous occasion. Is there any reason to feel depressed about it? Is your girlfriend excited and looking forward?

Look on the positive side. You now have the best reason to get better.
