View Full Version : anxious about meeting ..arghhhhh

01-09-08, 10:51
Hiya every1 ,

I have a meeting at work 2 day 2 discuss me going back 2 work ive been off 2months with agoraphobia and panic disorder .

I just dont know if Im ready ..and want 2 cancel my appointment ...I feel sooo anxious ..Its not till 3pm but allready gettin anxious arghhhhh x:mad:

I will do all my tecniques that I have learned but I still dont know if Im ready 2 return 2 work ......sorry if I have repeated myself from a previous post but just anxious 2 day xxxx

Titch xxxxxxx

01-09-08, 12:17
Hi - I think it is natural about being anxious about this situation.

What has your Dr said about returning to work - do they think it's a good idea?

The worst thing that will happen if you return to work and it's too early is that you have to have more time off. This happened to a colleague of mine recently and no-one thought she had failed /let them down etc..

Just see what they say at the meeting... xxxxx

01-09-08, 12:28
Thanx Sam ....It is my 2nd time off this year so want 2 go back whenI am ready ..but how do you know if you are ready ......I have 2 go back soon as my sick pay runs out and I have mortgage 2 pay .

They just rang 2 clarify meeting and Iwas so hoping they had rang 2 cancel oh well xx

I havent spoke 2 my doc ..but I know he will just say its up 2 me x
I have meeting with counsillor Fri but I will prob have 2 give them an answer today as when Im going back xx

01-09-08, 12:41
hi, hope your ok, why do you have to give them answer today, id say by what you have put your probably not ready to go back yet. and if you find yourself getting too worked up maybe you could suggest someone comes to yours instead. dont be pressurised into going back if your not ready, you need to put your health first. id give citizens advice a ring too see if they can offer any advice on the morgage issue if you have longer off. hope all goes well, debbie

01-09-08, 12:43
could you go back to work parttime? i know the more you avoid going back the harder it will be x but do what you think is best. or maybe do a trial day to see how it goes

01-09-08, 13:35
hiya mate, i know u will do just fine. huge :bighug1: to u and im thinking of u xxxxxxxxxxxx

01-09-08, 13:56
Hiya ..I only work part time anyway ......Its not so much the hours I work its just the dreaded feeling of anxiety .....oh well im off 2 meeting in a moment so will see how it goes xxxx
Thanx every1 xxx

02-09-08, 13:27
Well I went 2 my meeting yesterday about returning back 2 work.........It went well......apart from 1 woman said Oh Titch is it the medication that has made you put on so much weight .....Arghhhhh and another person said gosh Titch hasnt your hair grown ...even though I had it all cut last week ....lol...so by the time i got upstairs 2 have my meeting I was feeling rather poo!

However I am going back in 2weeks on rehab hours so thats not so bad ....only prob was that I have used all my sick pay so If Im off sick again till next March I wont get paid .......so now Im worrying about that ..arghhhhhh x

Hope every1s well
Titch xx

03-09-08, 00:14
glad it went ok, so when do you start back at work? the lady who said about yr weight is shocking.. how catty is that lol. best of luck and well done x

03-09-08, 01:04
thanx debbie ...i go bk week beg 14th sept arghhhh I am anxious but have 2 do it ..........just find it so hard 2 leave house at mo let alone return 2 work but its something I have 2 do as need the money xxxx

Hope u are well hun x

03-09-08, 01:14
going back to work will be great but im off at moment too and i cant go out unless hubby with me and even then i not comfy so i know how daunting the thought of going back will be. if you can do it thats fantastic and im sure will do you good... but have you thought about getting financial help if you found you couldnt..