View Full Version : Shooting pain in head and crawling sensation, anxiety symptom?

01-09-08, 13:10
Since last night I have had a shooting pain in my right temple area, I thought it might be a congestion type pain but I am sure you dont' get shooting pain with that, maybe its my facial migraine again but I am sure someone on here once said that they get shooting pain in the temple and a feeling of crawling on the scalp on that side of the head aswell, has anyone had this?

It is a shooting pain on right temple area and then at side of head I have crawling sensation? very odd, lol!

01-09-08, 13:38
i get this alot!!! I do suffer from migraines too, but i often get sharp pains in my head, along with a crawling sensation. i'm pretty sure its normal, and try to tell your self that x

01-09-08, 13:45
Hi again

Yes absolutely!
I get sharp pains in my right temple(and occasionally my left)
The feeling in the side of my head at my temple and up into my head is like muscle spasms or heavy creeping on my skin , weird!
My right eye often twitches as well
My right shoulder and neck is often very sore too
H x

01-09-08, 13:54
Oh yeah, i used to get it where it felt like water was trickling down the inside of my skull and i used to panic like mad thinkin something wasnt right. i still get it but it now feels more like little mites are running about my brain. I get the sharp searing pains in the temple and numbness down the side of my face. It's all anxiety! i get a boat load of other symptoms too like numb hands. its all when i start to panic and then i panic more. its a viscious circle this anxiety lark!

01-09-08, 14:32
Anything inside the head is imediately frightening.
pinkpiglet - i could have written your post
water was trickling down the inside of my skull
mites are running about my brain
sharp searing pains in the temple and the rest.......
Libby, mishel and hunny i also have those symptoms creeping skin, (good description) shooting pains - well that has always sent me off to the docs. bit embarrassing as it has gone by the time they see me. OH dearI do so agree "this anxiety lark is a pain in the ......." anywhere you choose (politely of course!!!!)

01-09-08, 15:13
I am not worried its something nasty, I was just wondering if anyone else has had it before.

Good to know im not alone.


01-09-08, 21:14
I had that too Libby. Indeed my first Anxiety/Panick Attack was like that. It felt soo scary that I rung 999. Only to tell me I had a panick attack anf that tenion headaches can give u such feeling.....horrid

01-09-08, 23:31
Oh poor you, mine is just on one side, shooting now and again in that temple, its horrible had it all day.

14-09-08, 20:46
Anything inside the head is imediately frightening.
pinkpiglet - i could have written your post
water was trickling down the inside of my skull
mites are running about my brain
sharp searing pains in the temple and the rest.......
Libby, mishel and hunny i also have those symptoms creeping skin, (good description) shooting pains - well that has always sent me off to the docs. bit embarrassing as it has gone by the time they see me. OH dearI do so agree "this anxiety lark is a pain in the ......." anywhere you choose (politely of course!!!!)

I'v had shooting, sharp pains in my head too, tiss very scary.Mine tend to start in my shoulders and then work there way up. I'v also had the water sensation too, tiss an odd feeling that. I found i got that sensation more if i was looking down.
I'm in the same boat as you Libby, i'm not 100% sure its all anxiety related at times when things happen and the last few weeks i'v had just about every symptom going and have been hospital 3 times and the drs over 10 times. But i'm now recognising more and more symptoms as they crop up as anxiety related and this site has eased my mind alot with it also. But boy does it knock you around.

Try not to worry to much, you will get there.


14-09-08, 20:59
yes i get this too pain in one temple and a crawling feeling in the head

15-09-08, 20:53
I get this mostly at the top of my head, i am actually getting the crawling senstation now!!

15-09-08, 21:00
i have had shooting pains at top of my head for 4 days now comes and goes scares life out of me, i am so scared right now

15-09-08, 23:32
Mine went, it was anxiety.

12-10-08, 21:41
I am sooooo glad I found this site. I have had these pains now for 4 days. It starts from the nape of my neck on the right hand side then shoots up to the temple and over the right eye. Have not had the crawly feeling though. I thought I was having some sort of bleed or something. I can see it can be anxiety as I am going through alot at the mo. Thanks for easing my mind.
Cheryl xxxxx

15-10-08, 22:41
Yep I am having those symptom right now. Sent me to the GP a few times. She said it was a 'tension headache' that started it off and I am keeping it going through anxiety.

Good luck

18-10-08, 13:13
I also get this feeling in my head. it's been around on & off for 3 weeks. Been to GP twice and 2nd opinion once. They're saying it's anxiety again. OMG it feels so weird and scary it's hard to believe I'm doing this to myself. Any help on how to calm it down and allow it to go away.


18-10-08, 13:15
Any help out there for these syptoms and how to calm them down. I am on Anti depressants. Can't cope it's driving me mad.


18-10-08, 14:33
Yes, me too with the shooting pains and creeping sensation on my scalp, I used to think they were like ants on my head, stopped worrying about them now, but still get it now and then - had the shooting pains a couple of months ago.