View Full Version : Health Anxiety Who do you tell?

01-09-08, 15:28
Can I ask who you would normally tell about your Health Anxiety. I have had it since I was 15 and I am 39 now. Have only really known what it is for about 2 years. I have just left my job because my employer was not very understanding. I am sure if I had rung in saying I have the Flu it would of been fine, but I had been honest about it and the last couple of times I rang in I told the truth that I was very anxious and could not come in to work. This in total has only been about 4 days sickness in the last 2 years. I found the lack of understanding upsetting and it has made me nervous about who I tell in future. Just wondered if anyone else was open about it or is it best to keep it to yourself?

01-09-08, 15:44
hello lovely
i know what ur saying not alot of people around me understand why im always worrying about my health, they think i sould just get on with it, thats what im trying to do though but since i keep having health issues that actually might b trivial compared to wot some people are going through but in this life were all suffering and we should help eachother find peace and love so they can b strong enough to cope. i found this website helps me ive only been on here for 4 days and already made friends every single person on here has bin so postive towards me and i think if u stick here ur find the strength u need to... some people suffer anxiety but are to proud to tell anyone thats the real silly people ur not stupid just cos u have anixtey its natural and we al go through it on some level weve just gotta find away of controling it!!! but dnt feel u have to keep it inside of that u suffer HA because keeping it in will make u worse have a rant on here if u need to or c ur dr and ask for a counsiler.:hugs: best wishes

01-09-08, 15:44
My HR manager was wonderful and understood everything as best she could.

This is an illness and you need to find the right Dr and psychiatrist to treat you.
I have been on meds since I was 18 and in the next few months I will be paying to see a proper psychiatrist to see if I can get some answers as to why my thoughts act this way off meds. I feel it's a chemical problem in my brain not something that went on in my life.

I feel ok on meds at the moment but I want to try for kids again and I need to give it a go at least for my husband who thinks meds and pregnancy = a disabled child, I need to find out the facts about that too.

Errr so many struggles in life.

Good luck and your HR department shuld be helpful!

01-09-08, 16:38
Hello, thank you for your replies, it is so nice to have people to chat to that understand. I have had CBT which is good for keeping it at bay most of the time. I had to pay for it though as it is a 2 year waiting list in our area on NHS and can't afford anymore. A couple of times a year it comes an grabs me by suprise and then all the therapy in the world can't save me, like now for example. I do have a very good GP who I can talk to, I don't take any meds on a regular basis but do have a small supply of diazepam for when it all gets too much and sometimes they have really helped me to pull myself out of it. I have a good idea of why I am the way I am, my Mum had Health Anxiety and both my parents had heart attacks when I was young about 11. I was always an anxious child which I think plays a roll. I try not to let my children see just how bad it can get me. I really hope you can come of your meds, and have a baby soon. I am just going to be careful before I tell any employer again that I have Health Anxiety. Lots of love to you both and a big hug xxxxxxxxxxx

02-09-08, 19:40
The only people that know about my health anxieties are my GP and my husband. I think if I tell any one else about them they would label me a hypochondriac. You need good support but for me the less people that know the better.

02-09-08, 21:48
I keep my worries very much to myself, because I don't think many people understand; people can be quick to make judgements - and I think they may tend to see me only as a 'hypochondriac'. From reading the posts on this forum, I can see how sensitive and compassionate people are who suffer mental torment - we have great insight, and understanding, but can be seen as self absorbed by those who do not understand our condition.

03-09-08, 09:07
I think you are right I am going to be very careful who I tell in future.

10-09-08, 12:34
I told my GP, and I got referred to get some CBT, I'm really hoping it helps, because, it is really making me freak out at the moment.