View Full Version : It's back again!

01-09-08, 15:52
I posted before about my fear over the year 2012 and how it makes me so sick with anxiety.
Well after today where i read this


Its back and i feel near hysterics. I keep bursting into tears. I am so so scared. I dont even know why I am posting! I feel as though i am going crazy in my own head & i cant stop it. :weep:

Thanks for even reading.


01-09-08, 23:32
Man messing with nature again, frightening stuff.

Although I've not given this any thought I can understand your fear. I remember dreading Hogmany 1984, I was 13 at the time, because I'd heard alot of stories about the end of the world. It was a real fear and probably the most scared I had been in my young life up to that time.

This though is something very real and very frightening. I can't believe people would mess about with things like this if they are as dangerous as some experts are predicting.

Hopefully it will either be debunked or stopped. I would hope if there was any risk then it would not have gotten this far.

All the best
