View Full Version : Hi All

lou lou
01-09-08, 16:13
Well it's been a while since i was last on here & i've got some...well happy-ish news, i went for a scan at the hospital a few weeks ago & they said i was still pregnant but very early on so there wasn't a heartbeat (but they wouldn't have expected one at that early stage) so i have to go back this Wednesday to see if there is a heartbeat this time, and if there is there shouldn't be any further problems so fingers x'd. (i'm suffering terrible morning sickness so i'm secretly feeling positive)
Also i got married last week which was a fabulous day, and we're finally moving into our house next week, so eveything seems to be finally falling into place.
Still not had a bad PA since a few weeks ago (but that was my own fault) Not had a really bad one for a few months now, i still get pains in my chest almost daily but i've learned to just put that to the back of my mind!
Thankyou to the people who sent me personal messages but i haven't been on here for quite a while which is why i haven't replied.

01-09-08, 21:18
Hi Lou Lou

Hope all goes well on Wednesday hun with the scan:hugs: .

Many congratulations to you too on your marriage:flowers: .

Its Lovely to hear you have been. feeling much better also

Love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:

01-09-08, 21:22
Ohhh.... how completely wonderful!! Many, many congratulations!!

01-09-08, 21:34
Congratulations on your wedding, its lovely getting some good news,and i wish you all the luck with your scan next week.
Take care
xx:bighug1: :bighug1:

lou lou
02-09-08, 19:15
Thankyou all, i'll keep you posted!

02-09-08, 20:15
Hi lou congratulations on your Wedding :yesyes:

Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow.

From one Lou to another x x

lou lou
08-09-08, 14:03
Well everything is fine (thank-god) i'm so happy although the morning sickness is still with me, hopefully it will go soon, i'm due around the end of march/beginning of april but i'll find out a definate date at my next scan in a couple of weeks.
i've been so ill for about a week now, i just seem to keep catching bug after bug, maybe becasue my immune system is down, but going to visit the doctor tomorrow so hopefully fingers x'd he'll be able to o something for me!!
Hope eveeyone is well