View Full Version : Help please!! 1st back at work over....

01-09-08, 16:34
...but my anxiety levels are going through the roof and I really cannot cope with it! My main anxiety symptom is nausea, but I also get pins and needles in my arms and hands, get hot and just generally aggitated. I am supposed to be going out with my boyfriend tonight, but just feel too ill, trouble is I have been feeling ill so much recently i am worried he will get fed up with me.

I fought so hard agasinst the nausea today and made it through (the anxiety is worse now I am at home, I don't understand that), but the thought of doing it all over again is just too much to bear. I don't want to stop working as I think it would do me more harm than good, but how can I feel human again? I don't want to live like this anymore, I am a mess!

01-09-08, 16:41
Try and stick with it hun, I am currently on holiday from work but I went back three months ago, it ain't easy don't be too hard on yourself, I still dread going to work and worry about having panic attacks, whilst I am there, just give yourself a chance

Lots of Love and take care


01-09-08, 16:46
Trouble is I feel sick from morning until night, I get no let up at all. I am an emetephobe, so this makes it harder for me. I do have panic attacks that make me feel worse, but when they go, I still feel very ill. I am not sure how to cope. Any advice would be welcome!

01-09-08, 16:48
can you take a seditive to calm you down? if it's the anxiety thats making you feel sick.

01-09-08, 16:55
Do you have anything that has a comforting smell? I used to pop a few squirts of hubbys aftershave on a hankie, sad I know lol. It really helped me through though, just used to have a few sniffs during the day and I really did feel calmer.

Good luck &take care


01-09-08, 17:46
Thanks for your answers guys. I take 50mg of Amitriptyline, but this doesn't seem to be calming me down. I have a Drs appt on Wed, so I am hoping they will be able to advise me what else I could do/take.

I am going to be getting CBT online, via my gp surgery, but that doesn't start for another few weeks. I just wish I could stop feeling sick, it would help alot.