View Full Version : dont EVER do this!!!!

01-09-08, 17:09

If you suffer from Health Anxiety, what I did last night was probably one of the dumbest things ever. Feel free to laugh, because I am too, because I should really know better!!! I watched this program on tv, on the learning channel, called, Mystery Diagnosis....the whole show is this one person with really terrifying symptoms, going from doctor to doctor, trying to figure out what is wrong with them. And they keep getting sicker and they keep listing their symptoms (most of which could be anxiety!!!!). I watched this whole show, finished it, and was like...Oh my gosh, I feel really panicky...My heart beat feels really fast.
And then I was like...NO wonder you idiot!!! That was the dumbest thing to do. That is even WORSE than googling!!!!
So I just kinda laughed to myself, and went and told my husband, and actually mananged to carry on with the night, mostly because I knew how stupid it was!!!
So just a tip....do NOT watch those medical shows.......
Love Katie...

01-09-08, 17:41
aww bless you, I hate that feeling after you've watched a programme like that it slowly creeps over you and before you know it you feel for sure you must have one of the illnesses highlighted by the programme. So glad you were able to laugh the panic off tho, I even get it after watching drama programmes like ER lol.

Di x

01-09-08, 17:52
I know the feeling. I can't watch the tv show "House" that airs in the U.S.

For those who haven't seen, each episode is a new patient with a variety of symptoms that Dr. House always struggles to diagnose.

Each time I watch that show I'm nervous for hours.

01-09-08, 18:00
Yer me to, I always hate the way the people always have something life threatening are on the brink of death, they have no clue what it is, and house almost kills them 8 times throughout each episode (very reassuring) lol Di x

01-09-08, 18:11
Aww, i'ld be the same!! i cannot watch anything even slightly medical now, im nervous for days!! And i always seem to develop a vague symptom of a features disease/illness shown on the programme hmmm lol

01-09-08, 18:14
I know the feeling all hospital progammes are banned in this house coz I end up getting new symptoms lol.


01-09-08, 23:59
Aww you guys Im so glad I am not the only one....I CANNOT watch any medical shows....But YET I STILL DO!!!!
It just makes me doubt every symptom I have, and make me feel like I really do have something serious and people are just missing it. Or else I worry that one day I will get sick, and wont just be something simple like the cold or the flu, but then I will get really deathly ill. I am terrified of getting really ill.
At least I am glad you guys try to ban those shows in your house too!!
ER, HOUSE, medical documentaries, etc.....

02-09-08, 14:02
I am terrible to at watching shows that make me anxious. Like shows looking at why planes crash when I am scared about plane crashes, and medical programmes like you say about people who are very ill and dying. Then when I watch them its sod's law the people have things similar to what I have had, like headaches and it turns out they are dying, then I panic afterwards...

Why do we do it? Are we nuts? We surely are!

02-09-08, 14:24
Why do we do these things to ourselves?? I stopped watching casualty and all that other fictional rubbish years ago but i just can't resist a good documenatary which features health issues. Then i'm convinced that i'v got the same thing and before i know it i'v developed all the symptoms that come with it. I'm the worlds worst hypocondriac i'm sure!!!

02-09-08, 16:13
I do that too!!! :)

Some time ago I got back from work and turned on the TV. First thing I see is one of those awareness commercials which show a real case of something happening to someone (don't want to go into details). 2 seconds in I just knew that it would make me panic, but yet I kept watching! No need to say what happened after the commercial ended.....I spent an hour in bed trying to calm myself down.:doh:

02-09-08, 16:18
I agree with you, we shouldn't watch them but we do!!! What i really do think is a bad thing is to google, god do that and you have just about had it
:doh: :doh: :doh:

02-09-08, 21:28
Mystery Diagnosis, i LOVE that show! but it just shows how stupid doctors can can be which doesnt help with my healt anxiety.