View Full Version : is this anxiety

01-09-08, 19:56
Hi every one just wanderd if anyone has had days like this where i dont feel secure like i dont know if im comeing or going or not in the real world or something like that its hard to explain lol allthough im aware of it i cant break away from it like to wake up and feel a live does any one know what i mean

01-09-08, 20:02

I totally know what you mean, in fact I wrote about the same thing in my last thread, it is horrible!

It can't harm you though.

01-09-08, 20:28
i get this feeling all the time, it only goes away with distraction. You are definetly not alone. I find this one of the most scary symptoms!!

But remember how horrific it may seem, It really cant harm you, it is only a feeling and it WILL pass!!

01-09-08, 23:06
I have been feeling this way recently. I know how horrible it feeks. It is just your brain taking a break from all the anxiety. I just try to distract myself and not pay it any attention.
Take care.

02-09-08, 18:21
thanks to those people who replyed to my thread u put my mind at rest