View Full Version : Please help

01-09-08, 21:10

I haven't posted on here for a while but I feel the need to seek advice again. Since i last posted i have moved jobs, home to another part of the country. Things were good at first but now im not so sure. My head is constantly spinning thinking all day and all night about how I can improve my life but never seem to get anywhere and now i feel confused about what I want from life. i feel isolated, alone and depressed. Is this circumstances or all in my head????? i live and work in a hotel, the job is very stressful, after work I just sit in my room with no support network, no decent food and nowhere to go. Is this making me crazy???


01-09-08, 21:50
Carl - it would make anyone crazy... It's a lonely existence and you can't get away from work if you are living in the hotel you work in.

What is there in the local area to do? Check out the library and the local paper to see if there's anything that will get you out even if it something like swimming classes, book groups, etc...

01-09-08, 22:25
Yeah there must be things to do but I dont drive and its kind of in the middle of nowhere. i think im crazy for thinking my anxiety would stay away when choosing to come into this situation.

Veronica H
02-09-08, 10:33
hi Carl
Anyone else working and living in the hotel you could talk to about this? I worked and lived in within a private boarding school in huge grounds and it was like an isolated little world of its own. Accept this for what it is at the moment and don't keep reproaching yourself about having made the wrong decision etc. Remember how you think is how you feel not the other way around. There will be a bus route or someone who can give you a lift into town if only occasionally, they want to keep their staff afterall so it is in their interest to help you, so let them know how you feel. I agree it is important for you to develop an interest outside the place so that you can really switch off when you have your own time. Of course you can talk to us here as well.

Take care
Veronica H