View Full Version : Scaring me so much- feeling sick

01-09-08, 21:32
Hi been reading through the forum for couple of weeks now. It is helping me a lot to see I am not on my own. I have been suffering from health anxiety since 3 months (well probably started long before, but never realized it)
My first panick attack was in the middle of the night. 1am. It was scary. One of my colleagues at work had only died couple of days before this and he was 36 and basicaly dropped dead with a blood clot in his brain. I used to smoke 20 a day until that night. At 1am me and my husband were in bed when suddenly I felt the "water running" in my head and thought I am havin a brain haemorrage, so I called 999 and was scared to move my head and the bed was shaking like in excorsist as I was shaking so much and felt like fainting. The Ambualnce came and said everything is fine and it was probably just a panick attack and still took me to hospital for reassurance.

2 days later I was driving my car and thought I was having a heat attack, stopped the car and the car behind me called the ambulance. All fine.

I had then tenison head aches for 2 weeks after that. I decided to change my job as it was very stressfull and decided to become self employed.

All was fine until 4 weeks ago. Since non stop anxiety scare...all sorts of symptoms. I had a abcess on my nose and the doctor I saw said that I need to take antibihotics to avoid it speading to my brain. GREAT. Here we go again and since I have not been able to come out of my anxiety. Twitches, tingles everywhere. stiff neck and shoulders, face pain, nose pain like some one hit me with a hammer, chin ache, ear ache, throat ache, which seems to be linked to my jaw and the newest of symtoms is constant feeling of sickness and burning in throat like u want to throw up. Not happy about that and it is scaring me. Anybody have the same???

Trying to relax everyday, but can't get back to normal.

I seem to have the fear of dying and health anxiety thing and its not good.

We have been nealy burgeld on Tuesday, but my dog protected the house fortunatly, but since I have not been able to sleep properly, this happend at midnight Tuesday and all the other nights some of my neighbours alarms where going off. So annoying.

I have been having diarrhea now for approx 2 weeks (on and off) and now this feeling of sickness together with tiredness and dizziness, headaches and neck aches. This is scaring me so much.

Thanks for reading and thanks for this forum.


01-09-08, 21:54
Hi, I've had health anxiety since March now and have been through loads of nasty symptoms too - tingling, numbness, aches, pains, the lot! And still getting some things too.

It sounds like you've had a good deal of very bad stress to deal with. I think, for me, HA came about after a stressful year last year, and then three separate events on top of that which i think just became too much for me.

I'm amazed and still pretty confused about the way my body has reacted. I always thought stress and anxiety was mental rather than physical, but guess that just displays my ignorance about how the two are linked. Not now though - I know for sure the two are closely intertwined!

Its been a pretty dire time with good days and bad. It is difficult to relax, to get back to way things were before, sometimes i feel like I'm just going through the motions but I think its important to try to keep as 'normal' as possible - even when its really hard and all you want to do is cry. By doing normal stuff, we distract ourselves from the nastier thoughts in our head, and that helps us get (for me, slowly) back to how things were.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you are not on your own with this - its horrible, and scary - but this forum is a big help. You will get loads of sound advice on here.

01-09-08, 21:55
This url has been posted before but i am going to post it for ya here since i think it could help ya.


Please just relax a bit you have classic anxiety stuff going on here. Your gonna be alright just hang in there. If you wish go visit that website its an awesome story about a guy who over came anxiety and i think it would benefit you. They are audio files and take a good bit of time to listen to fully but well worth it. I hope your feeling better

Not rich

01-09-08, 22:02
Thanks guys. Its just this feeling sick which I can't deal with at the moment. Trying to keep as normal as possible, but its not that easy. I don't seem to be able to concentrate. Even when people talk to me. Feels like "going in one ear and out of the other"

01-09-08, 22:08
Oh yea, please go visit that site lol you will feel much better i promiss... the whole "I'm in another world" feeling is me every day. Heck even as itype this answer im feeling that.... Sorta as if life is on auto pilot at the time.

01-09-08, 22:08
Hello there,

I could have wrote your post myself!!!! Like you i get a running cold water sensation in my head and also get boils on my nose!! I recentley had to spend the night in hospital and have an emergency CT scan because they thought it had spread to my brain.(VERY SCAREY)

Now i have to have a blood fasting test because my sugar is a bit high and they think that could cause the boils...only ever get them on my nose!!
Rotten symptoms i know but im sure they are due to panic and anxiety.

All your symptoms, i get exactly the same.

If ever you fancy a chat please contact me
take care luv tracie

01-09-08, 22:19
I had abcesses for over 15 years, but never got scared of them. was 1st timw in my face.oh dear sound so scary.

01-09-08, 22:23
seems to be more for people with agrophobia

This url has been posted before but i am going to post it for ya here since i think it could help ya.


Please just relax a bit you have classic anxiety stuff going on here. Your gonna be alright just hang in there. If you wish go visit that website its an awesome story about a guy who over came anxiety and i think it would benefit you. They are audio files and take a good bit of time to listen to fully but well worth it. I hope your feeling better

Not rich