View Full Version : Ashamed of what I did

01-09-08, 21:34
Hello out there...

I'd really appreciate it if anyone could find the compassion to give me a hug, even though I said something cruel and selfish to my Mum on the phone today.:weep:

I did manage to call her back and apologise but she told me I had upset her and I feel so miserable about it.

I've come to the conclusion that I must be unwell again. It's the only explanation that makes any sense. I know I should be punished for what I said, but I hope to God I didn't mean it. I know I have a tendency to cut off my nose to spite my face but this is painfully ridiculous and I am making matters worse by taking it out on the one person who shows me so much love.

I know that I am bitter and resentful about the way that events have transpired over the past four years since her accident, but it really was stupid of me to tell her in a moment of uncontrolled anger that I would not go to visit her until my brother returned the substantial loan I made to him several years ago.

My sense of freedom has become so restricted and I cannot understand why it is such an ordeal to travel into unfamiliar areas.

Even though Mum is some distance away in Wales, I have managed to visit her before on three occasions and I get so frustrated with myself for giving in to my fear of travelling over there again. I haven't been to visit her for a year now and I feel as though I'm being such a fool by turning my back on her and refusing to make the effort.

I had an awful argument with my brother on the phone about a year and a half ago following a second email which I sent and which caused a great deal of anger and upset to him and his wife. I haven't been in touch with them since because I'm worried that history may repeat itself.

I'm having so much trouble controlling my anger. Like a baby with a temper tantrum It seems to spill over and cause nothing but trouble.

I've been told in the past not to be so hard on myself, but I really think I need to be taught a lesson for being thoughtless and cruel. I sincerely hope I never do anything like this again, otherwise I run the risk of turning my family against me or starting a vicious feud.

Sorry about the long-winded nature of this post. I had to try and get some of it out of my head. Many thanks if you've managed to read it.

Best wishes

01-09-08, 22:33
Your mum will forgive you, don't be so hard on yourself.

Do you think it would help to write a letter to extend the olive branch & rebuild some bridges with your family, explaining why you feel so angry, bitter and resentful, and your problems/anxiety in travelling, and that your anger is an unjustified outpouring and for them to not take it too much to heart?

Write a letter, sit on it a few days, re-read it, edit it, sit on it a few more days, read it again, and then decide if you want to post it.

01-09-08, 22:44
Thanks Kendo

Your suggestion might be worth the effort. I'll give it a try.

All the best

01-09-08, 23:02
Writing a letter is a good idea - perhaps if you can write one to your Mum, you could, perhaps, write one to your brother as well?

Do they have any idea how difficult things are for you?

02-09-08, 00:19
Thanks Orangeblossom

I'm not sure if they really understand how difficult things are for me. I know that my brother has his own concerns and my Mum is very old and in a wheelchair now. There is only so much I could burden her with and I already feel that I've done enough damage.

All the best

02-09-08, 00:56
It may be that you prefer not to burden your mum with too much to worry about, in which case a sincere apology and bit of grovelling can go a long way to making up. Perhaps you can have a deeper heart-to-heart with your brother, and explain to him all the problems you have, and tell him that whilst you accept you've been a wally, ask him to forgive & understand.