View Full Version : so this is where you introduce yourself!

17-05-05, 21:54
Hi Everyone!
I dropped into this site a couple weeks ago and have been reading through all the other forums. I finally jumped in and posted a question on the symptoms forum, so only now am I finding the introductions. Kind of felt like I already belonged!

I am new to this - it took me awhile to believe my GP when she diagnosed hyperventilation (surely it was something more deadly!) a couple months ago when I complained of chest pain, dizziness, vision disturbances, etc. etc. I've been having symptoms on and off for about a year, but only recognise them for what they are now - this site helps a lot, particularly in convincing me that I'm not about to die.

One thing I would like to figure out, is what triggers these symptoms. I never thought of my life as stressful - just busy. But my doctor says being human is enough to make you susceptible to anxiety. I did have a scary incident with a viral infection that put me in hospital a year ago and I think that's what got me started with hyperventilating. Now, I'm working out how to get over that. It's good to read the success stories to know it's possible.


17-05-05, 22:06
Hi Tr

Great that you have found this site. As for triggering these symptoms it can be many reasons and at times we have all questioned why and some of us are still wondering why.

Just hope we can help you through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-05-05, 22:27
Hi tr, welcome to the site. I havent posted my introduction yet[B)]. Im sure Ill get round to it soon.

Hope you find all the help you need here

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

17-05-05, 22:30
Welcome to the forum!! :D

17-05-05, 22:32
Hyperventilation may just be shallow breaths rather than breathing way too fast..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

17-05-05, 22:34
Hi Tr

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-05-05, 22:35

Welcome aboard and good to see you here. Hope we can be of help to you.


17-05-05, 23:20
hi tr,
know what you mean about thinking everything is fine but just busy. sometimes things are so busy we dont' stop to realise that actually, we're too busy and we're running ourselves down.
if the viral infection and its effects have been playing on your mind for a while then that might have triggered your hyperventilation.
anyway, take care,

17-05-05, 23:22
Hi Tr
welcome ;o)
i can't think of a better place to get good sound advice, this place is a life saver to us all.

Be happy
Sharon xxxxx

18-05-05, 10:59
Hi TR,

You're here, you're moving forward and getting better and certainly not alone !
If you must pin your :)rapidly deminishing:) anxiety problem on something then go with the viral infection and keep getting stronger - anxiety "kicked me while I was down" with gastroenteritis recently, but I'm bouncing back !


18-05-05, 11:04
Welcome to the goup youll get loads of help and support from all the members. Just remember your not alone that in istelf can be a huge comfort to know.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

18-05-05, 11:37
Hi tr and welcome to the site, as you can see you get lots of support here, hope you find it a help
take care

kairen x

19-05-05, 22:26
Hi TR welcome to the site

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.