View Full Version : GAAH its back!!

02-09-08, 09:01
So I was doing so well for a good couple of months and now its back with avengance:scared15:.
I had a virus cold throat cough thingy 2 weeks ago and thats what set it off again. I had some steriods and antibiotics as im ashmatic and my sinuses always get infected after a virus:mad:.

Now im left with this headache that is in my neck behind my eyes and just feels like some one is squeezing my head, a tickly cough and why am I always thirsty ummm maybe something to do with the excesive swollowing i keep doing. My main worry is that my voice keeps going croaky and I have to keep clearing it. I just feel so tense and stressed right now like i just cant settle:weep::weep:Does it sound anxiety related to you lot or should i take a trip to the gp.
Just to add the old ticker is beating bit fast with some eptopics especially when I lay down to rest?????

Thanks in advance Katexxx

02-09-08, 20:30
I have just had a virus, started as a cough then I got a congestion type blockage which is finally clearing but I am still coughing after 5 weeks and I can feel it in my throat, I always have to clear it and my voice is often croaky.

It seems to be dragging on.

03-09-08, 03:05
No harm in visiting the doctor whether it be anxiety related or a virus. I hope you feel better soon.