View Full Version : hi again

02-09-08, 11:28
Just me again... I haven't been around as much over the last couple of weeks. I don't know why really - I've just been in a strange sort of headspace and I wouldn't really know how to explain it, and I haven't felt able to give constructive advice to other people either. It's the anniversary of my surgery next week, the one which triggered my emotional breakdown... and I don't really know how I feel about it except that I know it is important for me... it's so hard to explain to people why it is important, and that makes me feel even lonelier.
I want to let go of the pain, and at the same time I feel scared of not caring any more... not that I can see that happening. It's as though I want to move on with my life and yet I don't want to at the same time... and the fact that I've felt like this for a whole year scares me.
It might sound silly, but I feel like if one day I do get over this, really get over it, then I'll believe it is possible to get over anything.
I also just wanted to say thank you to everyone... this site has helped me so much at the time when I really needed it. I feel so much for all of you as well as for myself, in all of our pain and our courage. I hope that one day we can all find peace.

Veronica H
02-09-08, 16:44
Hi Samira
It is only natural to revisit what happened and infact it is probably healthier than trying to avoid doing so. I think it is important to think of the ways in which you have overcome the break down since then while you are going over this though, and the progress you have made so far.
Best wishes
Veronica H

02-09-08, 17:21
hiya matey good to see u back. hugs xxx

03-09-08, 03:07
Welcome back