View Full Version : Ache in whole of leg. ( Very Worried )

02-09-08, 14:29
Hiya all, don't know if you remeber my post a few months back over having an ache in my calf, well its all over my right leg now!!

Brief history : Pulled my calf doing boxercise in Jan which was hurting, got gradullay worse so I went to the hospital, blood tests showed it wasn't a clot. Gradually faded to a dull ache that comes and goes.

Ache started in front of my thigh (same leg) 2 weeks ago. Can also run down the back and into knee, Can also be in bum and back so was thinking sciatica ??

Senarios as to what I think might be causing it BEFORE I start traning my brain that its something sinister :

My last 2 children were large 11lb 3 and 8 lb 11 with quick births and I have had lower back trouble since having them. I get very stiff in lower back espcially turning over in bed, getting out of chair or getting up when I have been on floor so was wondering if it could be connected?

Scatica: I have read you can have it in front of thigh too? But not usually longer than 6 weeks so this would mean something else with the calf !

I have a new laptop which is quite heavy and I rest in on my legs alot sometimes every night for about 4 hours! Could this have caused ache in thighs?

I am on my feet alot, espcially in my job where I do alot of bending, stretching and heavy lifting. I try to walk everywhere too.

Maybe my shoes? Too flat?

Any suggestions or information would be great espcially if you have suffered from this yourself.

I don't want to automatically go to my DR as I have been so good and not had to go since Jan. But if you think I really have to I will.

So many tks for reading this :)

02-09-08, 14:40
It could well be sciatica, i get this too and always put it down to this. However, my mum gets 'restless leg' which she always desctribes as the same. My mum has had chronic anxiety for 33 years and her doctor says that restless leg is normal with anxiety. Could it be this? If you are concerned go back and see your doctor, its better to get your mind at rest and it's a long time since january so u av done well . Also apparantly, a reflexologist friend of mine once told me that when we are ovulating it can make our legs achey. she worked her magic on my feet and the achiness went away for a while. good luck x

Forever Anxious
03-09-08, 11:36
Hi..I understand.. I had the same pain in my lower leg for months. i also suffer from health anxiety, and imagined the worse. I power walk an hour 5 days a week. I think it is because of that, I go up hills also. It put a strain, I think. But the pain lasted for months. It can still be easily triggered, so that worries me. Don't worry about it. I did not go to the doc for that. Do you wear high heels? That could also put pressure on your muscles, i know it does for me. I have been home off work for about one week, wearing flats, and the pain seems to have gone. let me know.
You are OK

03-09-08, 13:35
hiya ive been suffering with my legs too. started as a cold burning, squeezing, pinching sensation in front of my thighs, now its all over my legs, ive had mri scans on my brain and spine which are both normal. someone on here put my mind at rest by saying a nurse told her it was when we unknowingly tense our muscles for a long time, it causes nerve irritation, and thats what this is. ive had numerous blood test etc everything fine, so im trying hard to beleive thats what it is.


03-09-08, 13:46
MM sounds like a pinched nerve to me for sure, you will need to see you Dr and get his/her opinion.

You can get it treated since you say it's burning stinging then it sounds like pinched nerve but it could also be restless leg symdrome, seems to be a common symptom in people with anxiety, I have had it.

You will be surprised to find that if you have a pinched nerve it will be coming from your upper body somewhere.

I had the same feeling on the top of my scalp for a long time and i was very upset about it, a nurse told me that it was the stress of my muscles clenching on my nerves and making them hurt...all caused by anxiety you just don't know you are doing it.

Try a nice warm bath and see the Dr