View Full Version : Helibacter Pylori

02-09-08, 16:00
I have been posting about my possible acid reflux, but I am in state now. I looked up Helibacter Pylori as I had this about 5 or 6 years ago and I had it treated. Took ages for it to go completely. It said that it can double your risk of stomach cancer. I am terrified now as all my neck glands feel up and really sore. The lumpy throat and dry cough what if it is the start of something awful. I have docs appt tomorrow but am almost too scared to go now. I just have a really bad feeling about this..I do not smoke but I have drunk probably half a bottle of wine a day for years.

02-09-08, 16:05
It sounds like you got rid of it? It's only if it sits there untreated that it causes a problem but the first problem would be an ulcer as opposed to stomach cancer.... and you honestly would know if you have one of those! It's hugely treatable and I really wouldn't worry about it - half a bottle of wine a day is not that much I have to say - and no doubt you eat food as well? Eating plenty of foods rich in fibre (fresh fruit, brown rice, bread etc) keeps your tummy healthy and if you are worried, the NHS provide a really simple breath test to detect heli - go to your Doc and ask for it, that way you can put your mind at rest.

02-09-08, 16:06
And forgot to say - glands in upper neck don't relate to stomach.... sounds like you have a cold coming - or a cough.... Do you have stomach pain? I think if you had stomach cancer that you would you know - very severely so... please try not to worry, it's cured with simple antibiotics these days (heli that is..)

02-09-08, 16:47
I had H Pylori for years, until they found it about 7 years ago and fixed it.

As for the wine? I couldn't drink half a bottle, I tend to finish it once open ;).

So I wouldn't worry.



02-09-08, 19:29
Thanks everyone a great support as alwaysxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx