View Full Version : Health Anxiety

02-09-08, 16:31
Hi I am new on this website, been suffering with Health Anxiety for around 8 weeks now, been through all the usual, brain tumors, heart attacks, the crying, the feeling scared constantly, spending a lot of time visiting my gp who im sure is pretty sick of me by now. Havnt had any medication for the anxiety DO NOT want to go down that route want to beat this on my own, but am having CBT and acupuncture and have very good family and boyfriend who have helped me a great deal.

My current problems seem to be concerning my stomach, i have a stomach ulcer, which obvioulsy flared up when i felt like i couldnt eat around 3 weeks ago, since then i have a feeling of a lump in the throat sometimes its there sometimes its not and also a feeling that i can feel everything going down into my stomach, and then reach my stomach, its not just food its when i swallow normally as well, my doctors have said its just acid reflux but it still bothers me, the other thing that bothers me also at the moment is the pain i keep getting in my bag from around the same time as the flair up of the stomach ulcer i have been getting a lot of pain around my shoulder blades especially the left one sometimes i really hurts, i automatically decided i had esphogus cancer, and rushed to the doctors, who assured me i didnt, but it doesnt always make it feel better.

Anyway sorry for rambling on, its just nice to be able to share stuff with people who are going through the same thing, anybody who would like to reply would be much appreciated.

:) Santorini

milly jones
02-09-08, 18:15
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs:

02-09-08, 18:19

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here

Take care


02-09-08, 23:49
Hi and welcome, glad you have found us, hope we can help, Im sure you will make lots of new friends on here.

03-09-08, 21:36
Hi Santorini

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

chris q
03-09-08, 21:37
hi there i am new as well look i know how you feel i am off to see my doc in the morning i bet he is sick of me to i am sure i will get a invite to the staff party there thay see so much of me. any way the pain you talk about is the same as what i feel i use to have it in my throat that has past now and i get it in my sides and the back of my head and i get a pain in my man parts so i know where you are coming from so dont worry sounds rich coming from me lol but if you need to talk you can all ways pm me im sure you will be fine good luck chris

04-09-08, 08:30
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

04-09-08, 09:08
Hi and :welcome: :welcome: to nmp.

You'll get lots of help and support and make many new friends

05-09-08, 16:12
Hi Santorini,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,


06-09-08, 01:59
Hello Santorini And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda