View Full Version : night sweats

02-09-08, 16:56
Hello all!

Been searching for info on night sweats which I've been having for about a month or so now. My anxiety has been pretty bad lately so suppose it must be due to that, but scared myself senseless today by looking it up on the net...Why do we do this?! Anyone else suffer from this?

Jillybean x:unsure:

02-09-08, 17:01
Oh no you googled????

Bad Idea. Night sweats can be normal and many other things... MOST NOT A PROBLEM

I'll bet you came up with lymphoma or some type of cancer as that's what I did

Pop into your Dr but I'll bet there is no problem

02-09-08, 17:03
i have had them for years honey
and oddly enough,the day after a particularly bad sweat (they are combined with nightmares for me) i feel quite relieved and empty,this may not be true for you but it is an effect i am glad of
maybe they are a way of our minds dealing with all the stress and anxiety,i am no psychologist but i know how they affect me
all the very best
ade xxxxxxxxxxx

02-09-08, 18:58
Thank you for your replies, I know I should n't have googled but it,s hard not to! Going to see my Doc tomorrow, see what she comes up with. Just wish I could feel normal... What's that??
Jillybean x

milly jones
02-09-08, 19:31
hi hun

ive suffered with night time pas usually triggered by a dream/nightmare for the last 3 years.

until recently these were controlled by citalopram, but over the last week things have become more anx again, and theyve reoccured again.

fortunately im not in work, as i find ther disturbed nights v difficult to cope with the next day

i was told by the hospital that it is a symptom of anxiety, and nightime is when the brain gets to rethink about the day and open up to worries u may be repressing.

milly xxxx

02-09-08, 19:31
Oooo I agree never google but sometimes its soooo hard not to. I have never had a good google experience but now I use this site for symptoms and everyone gives me much better advice and help. If I feel anxious or worried about anything I make this my first port of call.

chris q
03-09-08, 14:59
yes mate i have them thay are a right pain

03-09-08, 15:55
I have awful night sweats, i don't know whether to put it down to my anxiety or the menopause, bit of both perhaps.

I've never tried it (coz can't find it) but my sister in law swears by sage tea. She reckons since having that she doesn't have any more sweats.

worth a try if you can find any!

09-09-08, 17:45
i get night sweats to , i too googled and frightened the life out of me ...went to doc had bloods done again , all normal and hormones normal so just think it must be anxiety ...., i at the moment got soar throat and feel hard to swallow ,thick saliva going on any one els ? is this another anx thing <or should i worrry wvon more...........