View Full Version : Driving Test! (nutter behind the wheel)

02-09-08, 19:41
I've got my driving test tomorow I'm looking forward to it but I have been really anxious over the last few days I've come up in loads of spots had a row with my boyfriend and kept forgetting to breathe today. I cleaned for five hours today to take my mind off it.
I feel really good that I've got to the point where I can take the test I used to have anxious thoughts about driving and other people driving (never stopped me going in a car though). I also used to have nightmares about losing control of a car!
Feeling proud of myself but still feeling a bit worried!

Cleo x

milly jones
02-09-08, 19:46
hey cleo

relly good luck for tomorrow

feeling anx about a driving test is perfectly natural

try and relax

take a bottle of water to sip and some tissues too (for when u pass)

and let us know how u get on

much love

milly xxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-09-08, 19:47
Hi Cleo

Just wanted to wish you luck for tommo hun!:yesyes:

Have you tired Rescue Remedy, its great for calming the nerves, i use it all the time.

Lets us know how your test goes tommo wont you?:yesyes:


02-09-08, 20:31
I passed my driving test last year and I was TOTALLY stressed out in the week leading up to it. However, on the day, I woke up fairly calm, god knows how, but I did. I put on some music that I found motivating and concentrated on it, I also did a bit of exercise (just walking and stuff) to try and get rid of the some adrenalin.

It worked, I passed first time, and I had a terror of driving lessons the whole time I was learning. If I can do it, you most certainly can!!! Loads of good luck to you.

02-09-08, 22:58
Good luck for your test

I took some rescue remedy before mine

love a x

03-09-08, 08:19
To stop yourself being too nervous try thinking your test as 'demonstration of my driving skills',not a test.This worked for both my son and daughter,both passed 1st time.
good luck to you.

julie x:hugs: