View Full Version : pain everywhere in body

02-09-08, 21:39
everybody i completely cheesed off my whole body is covered by constant pain stabbing and prodding underneath my skin im goin bk to dr tmoro im not satisfied. any suggestions wot cud b wrong with me? i keep panicing theres gota b somethink the matter u cnt ave pain for 4 mnths without no reason i dnt work @ mo ive got 2 children but im not on the go all day and i still hurting everywhere. i dnt wana keep googling. hope some1 can help. Love C.xxx:weep:

03-09-08, 06:37
dont do it googling is the worst thing u can do!!! that is what got my anxiety the worst. i didnt have a comp be4 and when i first got one OMG it has been a nightmare i feel like i need an intervention. i think i have a couple months to live everyday.

i understand you hunny and i hope u feel better

03-09-08, 09:13
Hi C,

I can sympathise with you on this one hun :hugs: I was the worlds worst googler until my friend threatened to cut my hands off if I didn't stop it. Us health anxiety sufferers seem to thrive on google when we convince ourselves that something really bad is wrong with our health and all we are doing is punishing ourselves even more as google makes us feel ten times worse. We constantly need reassurance but believe me google is not the way hun to go about it. When I first joined this site I got my reassurance from the other peoples posts here because nine times out of ten someone else had already posted about my concern. Have a wee read through posts on the forum and I bet you feel loads better knowing your not alone :hugs: xxx