View Full Version : Pregnant and terrified

02-09-08, 22:54
Hi guys

I am 13 weeks pregnant and over the moon to be but am suffering very badly with health anxiety. At the moment I am concerned with my pulse and blood pressure. I check my pulse all the time and go into a massive panic when I have to visit GP or midwife. I've just had my scan and now my next appointment is in 7 weeks.

How am I going to get through this. Going to the docs or hospital is my main fear/phobia.


Nikki x

02-09-08, 23:00
i also dont like going to hospital or gp , but i tell myself what better place could you be in, if anything went wrong there on hand , i know its easy to say , and another thing to do , try to distract ur self count posters , describe the desk /chair to ur self in ur head anything to take ur mind of where u are and whats going to happen

03-09-08, 03:03
With my last pregnancy(she is 15mnths now) my anxiety and panic was the worst it ever had been in the 17 years I have had it. It was horrible. I suffered daily and it got so bad that my husband would have to come home from work because I was sure that I was dying etc. Mine was due to having two other complicated pregnancies and deliveries.
Chances are you will have a great pregnancy and not have to worry about seeing the doctor more than once a month for a regular visit. If you feel like you are getting to overwhelmed please talk to your doctor sooner though.

03-09-08, 08:01
I had a bit of a panic filled pregnancy and am kind of dreading the next even though I am totally happy with my son.

I guess you have to take it one day at a time, baby steps, explain to the doctors and midwives how you feel and how you cope with things, it is important to speak up because people will assume nothing otherwise.

Can you not arrange for a midwife to come to your home, or even a home birth, maybe discuss this with your doctor/midwife. Now days you don't even see a doc except only once or if there are complications, but try to remain positive :)

I am going to be needing my own advise this time next year because we want to try for no 2

Best of luck!

03-09-08, 12:43
Hello nikkixx, i just wanted to write to you and say i am in the exact same position. i am 20 weeks pregnant and from 12 weeks have suffered so badly with my health anxiety. I am convinced i have some kind of terminal illness and that im going to die, Its truely horrible and i can only say you are not alone. if you need anyone to talk to email me any time


03-09-08, 23:03
Thanks everyone for your replies.

I know I make myself worse by worrying but my health anxiety is just so bad at the moment. My last baby (a little girl) was stillborn at 38+5weeks and I am paranoid about everything with this pregnancy.

I'm glad I'm not alone

Nikki xx

22-06-10, 23:05
If you are afraid of hospitals the perfect solution is to get a midwife that makes house calls.
After seeing this documentary with Richi Lake I am convinced that midwife is the only way to go if you wanna do it right.