View Full Version : When to give up?

02-09-08, 23:18
How can we be so sure that we have anxiety? Aren't the odds of a good number of people on this board having something rare that isn't easily tested for more likely than it just being in everyone's head?

I wake up fine in the morning. Almost 100%. Then around 10am every day, I get to feeling very light headed. To the point I can't follow things with my eyes or turn very fast. The rest of the day is pretty much downhill from there. I've seen myself get worse and worse, and I'm just not ready to give up on a real medical problem being the underlying cause.

When I get my heart rate up, I start to get a very bad tingling sensations in parts of my head that don't go away for awhile. At the same time, when my heart rate gets up, I get a strong pressure in the back of my nasal cavity. I can't describe on here in words the extent to which I feel handicapped.

Wish my luck. I'm going to continue to doctor hop until I can find an answer.

02-09-08, 23:44
Hiya .....the fact that u can state a time wen u start 2 feel the symptoms shows 2 me its anxiety ..I am the same ...if it was something else It wouldnt work 2 a time frame ..yet anxiety does ...as subconciously u are thinking oh I feel ill at 10 oclock so yr body has learnt 2 feel ill at that time ....u are thinking about it so bring on the symptoms ......we all feel such intense feelings thats the hard thing but what u have 2 understand is we bring the feelings on ourselves even eithout knowing so what u have 2 do is change the way u think .........like ok at about 10oclock u will have these intense feelings but so far nothing bad has happened so just think ok u are here but they wont do me any harm .

I know it sounds weird and strange but if it was medical prob i seriously think it would have been detected .............I have had soooooooooo many test over time and all show normal xxx

i dont think people realise the intense fellings people cn get with anxiety ..therefore look 4 something else ..but u must realise Panic is the worst feeling u can have but totally manageable xxx

best wishes
titch xxxxx

03-09-08, 00:00
Thanks for the reply. I sometimes think it's anxiety because I can tell you certain places and times that will trigger it to get worse. I sometimes think it's blood sugar variations because at times when I'm feeling bad drinking water won't make it better but sometimes a coke will. I sometimes think it's heart related when I'm having a burst of palpitations, when my blood pressure gets high, or when I get a fast pulse. I sometimes think it's something wrong with my brain or nervous system because of the tingling sensations in my head and the pressure I feel in my nasal cavity and in certain points in my head along with the sleep apnea I occasionally experience.

I just keep hoping there's something out there the doctor's aren't seeing. Something that is rare and not common that will be an easy fix to bring me back into my normal life.

03-09-08, 02:42
I go back and forth on the whole thing. Sometimes I truly believe that it is in my head despite the constant and changing symptoms. Then there are other times that I am sure the doctors are missing something. Sometimes they do. I was feeling exhausted and rundown and was bruising very easily so I went to my doctor. He ran bloodwork and told me everything was fine. I took the bloodwork to my naturopath who I have just started seeing and right away she noticed that he did not run an iron level on me. Which is strange because low iron is a huge cause of fatigue. So she ran one on me. Test turned up that I was very very low on iron. The fact my doctor missed that scares me. If he can miss something so easy what about the other things?
So alot of my problem is trusting the doctors. Which sometimes I do, most times I dont so I now consult a naturopath.
Health anxiety is a very common illness and I would say the chances are defintely higher that the majority really are suffering from HA and not real illnesses.
Lots of luck to you. I highly recommend a naturopath as they spend ALOT of time finding out absolutely everything about you and al your symptoms.

03-09-08, 12:24
That's what I mean. With so many doctors overlooking the easy stuff, it's rare that your ordinary run-of-the-mill doctor is going to diagnose or even suggest something out of the norm. And with your doctor's original diagnosis, you could have just went home and blamed it all on anxiety. Then you could have spent months doing CBT, seeing therapists, taking meds, etc that may have made you feel better, but never would fix the problem.

What's a naturopath? Is that the same as a natural medicine doctor?

03-09-08, 23:37
Yes. They spend a great deal of time on all your symptoms etc. They can also send you for further testing etc.

04-09-08, 01:32
I know mine is all anxiety related. I have had every test known to man and probably some that arent. I know that when I get the tingling sensations that I am probably breathing too fast and need to calm it down some. When I had my headaches and dizziness problems I also knew it was anxiety because I could calm it down. I also know that if it was medical I would get worse over time and not get better which I do when I can calm myself. I used to think the doctors were crazy and would get upset that there wasnt anything they could fix. Now I know that it is up to me to help myself.