View Full Version : headaches/dizziness - brain tumour fear

03-09-08, 00:00
hey, over the oast few days i have had alot of headaches, today i have had a pounding headache that was so painful, i have also had alot of really bad dizziness. i'm terrified i have a brain tumour, these are classic symptoms and theres nothing else it could be. any advice or reassurance? i'm so so scared.
Please Reply
Love Louise

03-09-08, 01:15
Hey Louise

There are lots of other things that it could be. Anxiety, for one thing :winks:.

Anything from sinus pressure to an inner ear infection, high blood pressure to low blood sugar can cause the symptoms you describe. It could be your anxiety is causing your symptoms and, whatever it is, anxiety is almost certainly making you feel worse.

The best thing to do, if you haven't already, is to pop along to your doctor to get yourself checked out. I'm sure you'll find there's nothing serious going on. Best of luck, and hugs :hugs:

03-09-08, 07:59
I have the same. Also Neck ache. Got checked out loads of times all ok. But still thinking that something is wrong. Rather annoying

03-09-08, 08:10
I get that if I am tired, lately I have been getting little sleep and after reading an article on it in todays Metro it was rather interesting to find out how sleep deprevation affects people! It could also be tension, if you are very concerned and it is getting progressivly worse maybe go and speak to your doc.

Hope you feel better soon

03-09-08, 11:42
Nothing else it could be?


Have you had your eyes tested recently?

Are you dehydrated - that causes headaches too.

03-09-08, 12:32
Hi Louise, I am Queen of headaches! Believe it or not the symptoms you have said are not really symptoms of brain tumours at all. This would be loss of limb movement, being unable to move etc... headaches are usually not a symptom believe it or not.
I see a top neurologist a lot about migraine headache so have been a bit of an apprentice to him over time.
Everyone is spot on, you have symptoms of being stressed, anxious and maybe being tired. Also do you use a PC screen? I get these when I work on computers for a long time.
I bet the pains will be gone in a couple of days time, worry will make them worse, I know I do it all the time!

Sue x

03-09-08, 14:19
hey, thanks for the reassurance guys, i do feel a bit better today, headache isn't as bad and dizziness isn't as bad as it was last night. it seems to be on and off and seems to be worse when sat at a PC screen. i was also very tired last night as i had work early yesterday and had only had about 6 hours sleep. obviously i am still worried but trying hard not to be. just wondered if anyone else suffers dizziness? and how there dizziness feels?
please reply
Love Louise

Purple Fish
03-09-08, 17:26
Hi Louise.

I`ve had occasional dizziness for over two years! It would only happen a few times a day but enough to scare me. I`d feel a bit light headed for a few seconds and then it was gone as quick as it came! I also Googled my symptoms which I now know is not what you should do! I mentioned the brain tumour thing to my GP and he reassured me that it was stress and I`m now on Prozac. My dizziness has virtually gone and it`s because I`m not so stressed anymore! I`ve had the odd migraine due to that time of the month which seems to get worse the older I get and that worried me too. Speak to your GP for reassurance, I`m glad I did! I really let all my feelings out when I went to see him - had a good cry, told him about the silly thoughts I`d been getting and it was like a breath of fresh air when I came out! You`ll be glad you went. Let me know how you get on. :)

Purple Fish x :yesyes: