View Full Version : relationship issue

03-09-08, 01:20

i get tensed up and i get mad easily, and tend to get it out on my bf, he

doesn't know much about my problems, i told him but u know when u tell

someone who has not been in ur shoes , they just can't feel it even if they

tried to understand.

well, the problem is that i get angry and hopping mad at him even if it was

insignificant issue

he tend to stay calm and sometimes just walk away, and when we talk about

it later and how he didn't care and just walked away ,, he says that he was

afraid and he can't deal with me the moment i get mad . sometimes he says

i don't know how to act around panics i'm afraid i'll do something wrong!!

i'm confuzed right now, it seems so from my random post but i really want

someone to tell me what to do?

and have anyone of u been in the same situation?

03-09-08, 02:15
Hiya, didnt want to go bed without posting. Im not sure If you live with your boyfriend but If you do, maybe you could go and stay at friends or family for the weekend or if you dont live together, use the time apart to think what makes you take it out on him. Sometimes the only option is to walk away when someone is angry or mad. Put yourself in his shoes, he seems like a nice guy and he doesnt want to aggravate you more, so he feels its better to walk away. On the other hand sometimes walking away doesnt reslove the issue. Either way, try and explain to your bf what you have said on here, at least you can admit that you take it out on him. Together try and work ways of how you can resolve a row before it gets out of hand. Tell him what triggers you off, you need to be honest with each other and hopefully you will both be fine. Hugs x